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My whole body shook as I sat alone in the hospital corridor, anxiously watching the door the doctors had locked John behind. They'd not let me see him since the ambulance took him away because I wasn't his "immediate family". It was bullshit! We were his family. Nobody told me anything, they just shoved me into a police car to drive me here. I couldn't even ride with him to make sure he was alright. I hadn't seen the women who helped us either, but I wanted to thank her when I did, I wouldn't have been able to cope without her help. She deserved a thank you, and I'd be sure to send her some flowers too once this was all over and done with.
I was daydreaming when I heard John's door open, one of the doctors coming out before quickly closing it behind him, like whatever was in there was some kind of secret.

"Doctor?!" I called out, almost having to run to chase after the man as he walked swiftly down the hallway. "Can you, is John okay?" I asked, catching up to him. "Hey! Why are you ignoring me?!" I snapped, standing in front of him to stop him in his place. "I just want to know how he is."

"Mr Mercury." He sighed, looking done with me before he'd even heard the serve I was planning to give him. Sure, I had spent the last 30 minutes pestering anyone and everyone (him twice already alone) who left the room for details on Deaky's condition, but I had a right to! Nobody was telling me shit!

"How is John?" I asked firmly, my arms folded over my chest as I stared him down.

"My answer is the same as 10 minutes ago Mr Mercury, I can't tell you that information." He said seriously, almost rolling his eyes as he took a step back from me.

"Yes, you can." I retorted, following his actions to move closer to him again. "I just need to know. Please! I haven't seen him and, and I just want to know if he's okay. That, that he's alive." I pleaded, feeling sick as my heart hammered against my ribs. "Please!"

"Unfortunately, only immediate family can be told sensitive information. I can't-"

"That's bullshit!" I snapped again, my hands now balling into fists at my sides. I don't understand why they can't tell me anything! I'm his boyfriend, his partner! "I am his family! Why can't you just fucking tell me how he is?!" I yelled loudly, reaching out to grab the collar of his stupid doctor coat, ready to slam him against the wall.

"FREDDIE!" A voice shouted from further down the hall, catching my attention. Roger, Brian, and Miami were all walking quickly towards me, each one a look of both panic and concern on their face.

"Fred, let him go." I heard Brian say, his voice now closer to me. I shook my head, anger still boiling up in me as I tightened my grip on the doctors' coat. He looked at me, eyes wide, almost in fear as I glared back at him. He was lucky I hadn't ripped his bloody head off yet.

"Freddie, don't. Let him go. C'mon." Roger piped up, all of them now surrounding me.

"He, he won't tell me how John is." I muttered, tears burning my eyes. "I-I just want to know." I sighed, blinking quickly to try and push them back. Why was so hard for me to get an answer?

"I know, but doing this isn't going to change anything love." Rog said quietly, his hand reaching out to pry one of mine away from the doctor. He was right. The only thing me losing it was going to achieve was getting me kicked out. I can't not be here when they finally let us see my love. I can't abandon him. I nodded at Roger's comment, dropping my other hand to step back from the terrified man in front of me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, watching as he nervously fixed himself up.

"I'll see what I can do information wise, but I can't promise I can tell you anything." He rambled, his eyes focused on the ground as he nodded at me before hurrying off quickly. I turned to face everyone, my tears returning as I nearly sunk to the ground, Brian scooping me up before I did.

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