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Brian and I were going to be alone together the whole weekend! Just Bri and I! I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't excited for us to have a weekend to ourselves, because I was. It's been ages since we've gotten to be alone, and I was going to take any chance I could get to have the curly haired man all to myself.

The two of us had a secret.
Unlike Fred and John, who're pretending to be a couple, Bri and I...are actually a couple...
We'd been hiding the fact that we're dating from everyone. Yes, I know, the cliche "hiding your relationship from your best friends" bullshit, but we had a good reason! Bri only just started to figure himself out, sexuality wise, and it was easier for him to start accepting himself privately. I completely understood and supported him. We didn't like lying and sneaking around behind the others' backs, but it was what was best for Brian right now.
And before you think it, yes, I know it's hypocritical of me to support us hiding something from Freddie and John when I made such a big deal of their secret. What can I say, I'm bias.

"So!" I smiled, sitting in the chair across the sofa from Brian. "What are we going to do tonight? Did you want to stay in? Go out?" I asked.

"I dunno." He mumbled, barely moving his book away from his face. "I'm busy."

"Busy? Bri, you're reading." I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Then I'm busy reading." He retorted, I could hear the smirk in his voice as the book still sat firmly in its spot.

"Cmon Bri! We've got the whole place to ourselves for three days! No Fred yelling about whatever isn't working for the album, no Deaky...well John doesn't do much, but the point I'm making is, we're alone!" I sighed, watching him still not move that bastard book. Huffing, I got up from my seat, waltzing over to him to snatch the book from his hands.

"Oi! Roger!" He snapped as I took it, gently placing his bookmark back before sitting it on the coffee table behind me.

"That's better. I can see your beautiful face now." I smirked, watching his cheeks flush.

"I was reading that." He mumbled, crossing his arms to try and look angry. I knew he wasn't, he never can be with me.

"You can always finish it later love." I smiled as he finally looked at me.
Sometimes I couldn't believe that this was real. That he was actually mine. I wasn't just fantasizing about being with him anymore. It was real, and he wanted me back!

"And what did you want to do right now that's so important I have to finish my book later?" Brian quizzed, returning my smirk from before.

"I could think of a multitude of things that are more important than that book Bri." I replied, leaning down to whisper in his ear. I saw his body shake with the shivers as I did so, knowing full well that I had him right where I wanted him. Well ALMOST where I wanted him.

"Hmm?" He hummed, hinting at me to list them off. He's such a fucking tease.

"We could go out?" I started. "We could stay in?" He hummed again. "Or, we can just skip it all and you could take me to your room and fuck me senseless?" I finished.

"Roger!" Brian scolded, trying his best to hold back a laugh.

"I like the sound of the last one." I snickered, pulling back from his ear.
As I moved away, Bri caught me off guard, grabbing my waist and swiftly pulling me onto him so I was straddling his lap.
"You like the sound of that too Bri?" I smirked, my arms resting either side of his neck.

"Mmhmm." He nodded, closing his eyes as I moved my lips to his neck. I was careful not to leave any marks that the others would be weary of when they got back as I trailed kisses along his jawline, wanting him desperately.
His hands stayed on my waist, lightly squeezing the pudge on my hips as he leaned into me.
I finally connected my lips to his, moving my hands to cup his face lovingly.

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