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John and I strolled back to our hotel from dinner, our hands entwined together lazily as we giddily hopped into the lift. We were a little tipsy at that stage, well I was anyway. John opted out of having anything, which I understood completely. He was taking sobriety very seriously, and I was so proud of what he's achieved already. I was all for a sober evening, but he ordered me some champagne at the restaurant, meaning that plan popped out the window quicker than the cork out of the bloody bottle!

"I'm so very proud of you darling." I smiled, my voice mumbled into his neck as I pressed myself against him. "You're doing so well."

"It's not been very long Fred." The younger man chuckled, his arms resting on my hips as he held me close.

"But I'm still so proud of you. It must be so hard, but you're making it look rather easy." I giggled before softly kissing his jawline. I felt him tense under my actions, a small smirk then appearing on my face. "Maybe, maybe you deserve some type of reward, for being so brave, hmm?" I suggested, my hands already traveling towards his belt. I purposely trailed my fingers along his stomach, knowing I razzled him up a bit. I was more than ready for some fun.

"Fred." He warned quietly, grabbing hold of them before I could do anything. "We're in a public elevator love. Maybe wait until we're back in our room." He laughed, spinning around to stand beside me now. I frowned, sending him a small pout as I reached for his hand again. "Wait." He snapped, making me retract quickly.

"You're mean." I muttered, folding my arms as my pout only grew.

"I guarantee you won't be saying that soon." John winked, just as the door of the lift opened. He waltzed out, wiggling his ass a little as he left me behind to sulk.

"You bastard." I smirked again, rushing after him. I rounded the corner, expecting to find the door already open and my love inside. Instead I was met with a rather upset looking Roger, the poor man crying his eyes out as he buried himself into John's chest. . "Roger!" I gasped, watching as he sobbed into him. "What happened?" I quizzed, reaching out to stroke his hair softly. I'd never seen him so distraught!

"I don't know." John shrugged, rubbing his back. "He was just sitting out the front like this." He added, keeping his voice low.

"Rog, love. What's happened?" I asked, suddenly losing any trace of alcohol I had in my body. Roger was upset, and I needed to know why. What made him cry like this?! If I had to, I'd bet any money it was fucking Brian. With the mood he's been in, I don't doubt something he snapped at Rog set him off. The blonde just shook his head, his arms tightly wrapped around John's waist.

"I think we should go inside, we don't need people staring." Deaky said seriously, and I nodded in agreement. We had neighbours on our floor, we didn't need them prying into Roger's business. "C'mon Rog." He soothed, pulling away to take his hand gently as I opened our door in front of them. John led Roger to the sofa, sitting him down before we both took a seat either side of him.

"Darling? Roger, what's happened?" I questioned again, hoping I'd get an answer out of him this time.

"Are you hurt?" John added in, a hint of pain flashing over his face as he looked at me. The small man shook his head again as he brought his knees to his chest.

"Then what ever is the matter?"

"B-Brian." He mumbled, a new wave of tears falling down his face. "Fucking Brian." He sighed, his eyes tightly shut. I fucking knew it! I knew he'd done something!

"Brian." I grumbled, rolling my eyes. His attitude had only gotten worse since he first saw John yesterday. It was like he couldn't stand the thought of our bassist anymore. He was angry with him, I knew that, but he didn't need to be so horrible. John was getting better now, he was doing so, so well!

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