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*Just a warning that there is violence towards the end of the chapter*
*One Month Later*
"There! I've done it! The set list is complete!" I smiled widely, holding the piece of paper I'd just scribbled on in the air. We were leaving tomorrow to start the US tour for our, now completed, new album! News of the World! That's what we all decided on. I'm not sure as to why or what it means, but we all agreed (which is a miracle in itself) so we went with it.

"Nice to see you consulted us on the set list Fred." Roger joked, peering over my shoulder to have a look at the page.

"Nobody else was stepping up to help lovey." I smirked, handing over the paper. "I think it's good. It's a rather nice mix of our older stuff and the new album, if I do say so myself."

"Yeah, I agree! You did well Fred, the crowds are gonna love it!" Rog smiled, patting me on the shoulder. I smiled again myself, proud that I managed to put something together that at least one of the others loved. I was hopeful that John would be happy with it, we usually had the same tastes, but I knew Brian would find SOMETHING he hated about it. "You all packed then?" He asked, sitting the page back down.

"Almost." I nodded, knowing I had a few more little things I needed to stuff into my suitcase before we left.

"A-Are you and Deaky okay?" Roger quizzed suddenly, making me look up at him quickly. His question took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting him to ask about us. "It's just, you've not been as close lately, and I heard him shouting at you Fred. You can tell me if something is going on." He said seriously, squeezing my shoulder lightly.

"I...we're fine." I lied, faking another smile. "We, we were just mucking around. Nothing to fret over darling." I muttered, trying my best to play it off. I knew John and I weren't fine. We were far from bloody fine at this rate! The closer we got to starting the tour, the more stressed my love had become. He didn't handle stress well, I knew that, but I never expected him to take his frustrations out on me. He never hit me, no, nothing that severe. He just shouted a lot, and often didn't talk to me for a while. But I'm sure once we started performing he'd be fine, he'd go back to normal. He just needed to get the first show over and done with, then he'd be fine. He'd be John again.

"Don't lie to me Freddie. I'm your best friend, I know when you're not telling the truth." Roger said sternly, turning me around to face him. "Has...has he hurt you?" He questioned, looking deathly serious. "If he's hurt you, I will kill him." He snapped.

"No! No, no! Never!" I panicked, shaking my head quickly as I stood up. "He's not like that Rog. He wouldn't do that."


"He's never touched me like that Roger. I swear. He wouldn't, he'd never do that to me." I rambled, my heart racing. John would never do that. He's just stressed that's all. He's fine. We're fine.

"He was shouting rather loudly Fred. I could hear it from the kitchen." The blonde sighed, biting the inside of his cheek. I know he was trying to help, but I just wanted to ignore it.

"He's just anxious about starting the tour, you know he's grumpy when he's stressed." I explained, trying to calm him down. Rog went off quickly. We all knew he had a very short temper, and I couldn't have him running off to shout at John, that would ruin everything.

"All of us are stressed about this tour, but you don't see Bri or myself yelling at one another do you?!" He snapped again, causing me to wince. I didn't take well to being roused at. "Sorry." He mumbled, noticing my reaction. "I didn't mean to sound so harsh Fred. I'm just worried about you. You've not been yourself." He said, looking me in the eyes. "I don't want him to hurt you."

"He's not going to hurt me." I mumbled, averting my gaze. I wanted to believe that. I wanted so badly for everything to be okay. "He told me he loved me Rog, and...and I said I loved him back. He won't hurt me." I lied again. He never said that, we've barely been together a month! I just needed to get Roger off my back. Him fussing over me is going to drive me crazy.

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