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This weekend away had quickly turned into a marvelously splendid little holiday in my opinion!
After our kiss at the beach, John and I have been even more inseparable than before, both of us acting a little bit more clingy towards one another. We hadn't actually discussed the kiss, or what it meant, but he did kiss me back, so I'm guessing we're both feeling the same way. I wanted more than anything to be able to call him mine, but I wasn't going to race into anything. Everyone knew I fell too hard, too quickly when it came to men. I don't want to rush things with John, he's too precious for me to lose.

It was Sunday morning, and we were currently gathering our stuff together to leave just after lunch. I'd love to have stayed an extra day, but we had a meeting with Miami about planning the next tour in the morning that we just couldn't miss.

"I don't want to go." I pouted, falling dramatically back onto the bed in our van. "Can we just hide here at the beach forever?" I sighed.

"Unfortunately not Fred." John chuckled, squeezing the last of his clothes into his bag. "The boys would be rather cross if we missed the meeting tomorrow." He added, quickly zipping the bag before tossing it on the ground.

"The meeting for a tour that isn't going to happen at this rate." I scoffed. "There needs to be an album before a tour." We were no closer to completing the album than we were two days ago. I was hoping the seaside would help pull some kind of magic out of me, or even out of John. We even dedicated the whole of Saturday to sit on the beach and try to come up with something!

"It'll come. Maybe Rog and Bri have pulled something out of their asses while we've been away." John smirked, crawling onto the bed next to me. He immediately snuggled into my side, my arm winding around his waist to pull him even closer.

"Pfft! I doubt that. Rog has probably been on a three day bender knowing him." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Well maybe Brian has something." John giggled quietly. "Have you got anything finished yet?" He quizzed, tracing the patterns on my shirt over my chest.

"Not really." I huffed. I had the start of songs, the end of songs, the chorus of songs, but not a whole song! "I wish it wasn't this fucking hard!" I groaned, annoyed that I had literally nothing to contribute. I felt like I was letting the band down.

"I-I have something." Deaky mumbled quietly, his voice almost a whisper.

"You do?!" I gasped excitedly, sitting up to look at him. "Why didn't you say Deaks?!"

"It's probably not that great." He shrugged, his face flushed. He always underestimated himself when it came to his songwriting. I hated that he wasn't confident when he showed us what he was working on. He was more than just a bassist, he was so talented in writing too. He just needed to believe it for himself.

"Bullshit darling!" I muttered, flapping my hand around. "I'm sure it's wonderful!" The blush on John's face deepened as he shrugged again, avoiding my gaze. "Can you sing it for me?" I asked, grabbing one of his hands.

"Oh, no. No. I can't sing it. No." He panicked, quickly shaking his head.

"Why ever not?"

"I-I can't sing Freddie. You know that." He sighed. "I'm a terrible singer."

"You are nothing of the sort!" I exclaimed. "Your voice is lovely John." I said seriously. I wasn't lying, his voice was lovely. I wasn't like mine, or Roger's, or Brian's. It was his own.

"It is not. I sound like a dying cat when I sing." He grumbled, causing me to let out a chuckle. He joined in with a small laugh himself as he finally looked at me. "You can hear it when you sing it, okay?" He smiled softly, poking me on the nose cutely.

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