the next morning

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I woke up and saw that he was still asleep and I was holding his hands. He looked so peaceful. So I layed there I got a notification it was my mom "OH MY GOSH" I said in a panic. I kissed Jonathan on the cheeck and he woke up and said "hey beautiful". I said you need to drive me home . Uhh why? "My mom was texting me all night "I said. He said oh and he sat up and said "oh yeah... You cold?" I said "no!?" Not knowing what he meant.then I realized."but I do feel a breeze so I might need your jacket?" He took off his jacket and gave it to me.

Time jump

I got home and my mom came up and hugged me and said "where were you". I got lost on the subway and got on the wrong train". "Y/n I told you not to go on the subway without someone!". "I was with a friend". What's her name? Jonathan... What a boy!?!! Yeah but it's not like that. Who's jacket is that huh?! I got cold?! What was u supposed to do?! FREEZE?! "no no it's not like that" my mom said in a scarcasticly way."yeah ok bye" i said

Jonathan's POV

I was laying in bed thinking about last night wondering if y/n will find my number I put in the pocket of my jacket. I walk down stairs and see my mom and she asks "who was the girl?" "Uhh what?!"trying to act confused. She looks up at me and says ok yeah. You grab your keys and walk out the door as your mom says "did you at least give her your number?" You scoff and say "it was nothing...and yes it's in the jacket pocket I gave her..I'm not dumb?!".


I was sitting on my bed smelling his hoodie. It's smelt so good... I was wondering if I would see him again today? You put your hands in. Your pockets and find a peice of paper. It was Jonathan's number. Yes!! You thought . You texted him *hey it's y/n can we meet up?* Jonathan said yeah. Where?* I said *umm at my place so my mom feel meet you* he said *we're officially dating I see* I said *uhh idk do you wanna date?* Jonathan said *I've wanted to dating you scince the first time I saw you*.

At Y/n house


I hear a knock on the door I raced down stairs and said "I GOT IT". but my mom was already there . "Hello you must be Jonathan?" My mom said to him he responded "uhh yes that's me." My mom said "so you guys are dating? Because this is the official parent meets the guy introduction?" Jonathan said "I told you" I looked down as my mom looked at me. I was smiling and blushing. She turns around to Jonathan an says "come inside " Jonathan said "ohh that's fine I just came here to pick Y/n up".  My mom shakes her head and looks at me and nods her head telling me to go. I kiss her in the cheeck and say bye Mom.  She shuts the door almost immediately. And we get in the car and he asked where I wanted to go. I said your house and he said ok.

Jonathan's house

Jonathan's POV

I hold her hand on the way inside  Hoping my father wouldn't be there. We walked inside and I saw my mom drying the dishes . She said "ohh you must be the girl I saw last night". Y/n said "uh yeah" my mom said "don't be too loud your father is in the bedroom". I looked down and said "ok". You took Y/n hand and said ok let's go. The she said "can. I meet your dad?" My mom cuts in and says that's not the best idea right now he is sleeping maybe some other time. She said ok and my mom said why don't you take her to the spot your father used to take me. I said ok and too her to my car.

Jonathan Brandis imagineWhere stories live. Discover now