the lake house

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Jonathan's POV

We where in Y/n room packing when I grab her sides and kiss her neck. She turns around and locks her door. I layed her down on the bed kissing her neck making ng sure I leave hickies just so Chris could see it left them on her upper neck and middle collarbone. Then you heard a loud knock on the door. It was her mom she pushed me off of her and I giggled and she said hurry up if you want me to drop you guys off. She said "uhh actually I'm riding with Jonathan and a couple of our friends are coming." Her mom said "ohh ok." Then we heard her car left and she went down stairs and locked the door. And kissed me and we fell on the couch.


I locked the door and pulled him over to the couch and he lays on top of me. He started kissing my neck in just the right spot. I started to my hips moving up. He slides both his hands up my shirt and slowly takes off my shirt.

Jonathan's POV

I felt her hips moving up and my hands took control next I knew I had my hands half way up her chest and I was taking her shirt off. Soon her shirt was on the floor and she eagerly took off mine. I was kissing her chest and she moved my face up and kissed my lips slowly but lustful. I had my hands moving up and down her theighs , then I moved my hands to hold hers down while I roughly kissed her neck. She started panting. She heard a knock on the door and rushed and grabbed her shirt. And fastly put it on I slowly put on mine just laughing at her. She was still half way putting on her shirt when she opened the door. It was Chris. She pulled down her shirt and said "uhh come in". Him and Matt came inside and she said I just have to get my stuff. She ran up the stairs and Chris just looked at me. I smiled at him. I walked up to Y/n bed room to help her bags and I put them in the car.

At the lake house


I finished packing and got in my blue bikini. I saw all three boys staring at me. Jonathan walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. He grabbed my hand and I walked with him. We reached the beach and got in the water we swam out to the boie and just sat there. We talked about next year and how what we are doing with our life's because we graduated this year. We talked about how none of us are going to college this year because we are waiting till next year. After a while it got dark and we swam back to the shallow part. I was laying on Jonathan and him, Chris and Matt were talking about stuff. Then it started to rain and we went back to the lake house. We we're all sitting in the living room. When me and Matt went to make dinner because he went to food camp. We we're in there when Jonathan came up behind me and put his chin on my shoulder, and his hands on hips. Chris came in shortly after. Just staring. "Y/n I couldn't help but notice those marks on your neck" Matt said. Jonathan looked down at the marks and I pulled up my shirt. Chris looked at the marks and glared at me.

11:00 Chris was staying in my old room and Matt was staying on the couch. We we're laying down as Y/n got done with her shower. She had on shorts and a white t shirt. My hair was wet and I crawled on the bed. Jonathan's was shirtless an watching TV. He looked up at me and smiled.

Jonathan's POV

She looked so stunningly beautiful. She lays down next to me and I lean over and kiss her. She rolls her self on top of me. I sat up a bit more and I took off her shirt. I flipped my self on top. I started to pull down her shorts. I started kissing her neck roughly and she started having a light moan as a was rubbing her upper inner thigh. She started to move her hips up and I slowly took off her bra. I pulled my self up and just admired her beauty. I kissed her lips then her neck then her upper breast. She started to take off my pants. I put my hands under her thighs holding them up. She started to pant and I started to kiss her lips, Roughly. I started moving my hips in sync with hers. We both sit up and she was sitting on my lap with one leg on each side. I rolled over and was on top of her again. I started to rub my hands up and down her stomach. Then we heard a knock on the door. I sat up while Y/n put her bra back on. I got up and aswered the door it was chris. "What. What was it this time". You could hear Y/n giggle in the background. She came out fully dressed. She said "yes chris". He said "uhh I just wanted to know if you had anything to eat?". She said "yeah I'll show you . " I jumped back on the bed and started to watch TV and Matt came in and said"what ever you and Y/n were doing just remember...these are things walls." I folded my hands and rolled over and laughed.


I showed Chris the food, but when I was leaving he said"what are those marks on your neck"? You said "uhh what marks" you say running your neck. He says nothing and walks away.

Jonathan POV

You waited for the guys to fall asleep so there wouldn't be anymore distractions. I crawled into bed and started kissing her and rolled her on to me I sat up a bit and started taking her shirt off. She took off mine. I flipped myself on top taking off her shorts. She took off mine. I lowered my self down and started kiss her thigh I started going up then towards the middle. Then I went up in her stomach. I kissed her breast for a while and she lifted my head up to her lips. I used my hands to undo her bra. I slid it off her shoulders. I flipped her on top again. I slid my sat my self up and she started to kiss my neck. It felt amazing. Is this how I made her feel? I thought to myself. I flipped my self on top again, and lowered myself down to her stomach. I held my arms under her thighs. She was moving her hips up and down. She moved my head up to where we made eye contact. She simply said "I want to." I said "you do...are you sure " she shook her head. I got up and got a condom. She was laying down and looking at me. I payed on top of her and took off her underwear. She slid off mine I slid on the condom and put it inside her. She tilted her head back and grabbed my shoulders and I started moving back and forth. She started panting. I went faster and faster she started moans she grabbed my neck and pulled her self up and kissed me I slowed down and started to kiss her. She wrapped her legs around me. I kissed her one last time and let go. I took a sheet and through away the trash. I came and layed down next to her and she put her bra and underwear I put back on my underwear. She layed her head on my chest and fell asleep. I played with her hair. Soon after I fell asleep.

Jonathan Brandis imagineWhere stories live. Discover now