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"are you going anywhere in particular" and asked. "No not really I am planning on playing music and sleeping in the sub way" he said leading to an awkward silence. "You can stay at my house tonight" I said not thinking. "Ok thank you Soo much" he said with the biggest smile on his face. I drove to my house and helped him get the stuff out of my car. My mom was on a business trip and I don't think she'll mind anyway. I set Finn up on the couch and showed him where the bathroom was. He got in the shower. I'm Not gonna lie. He was a very attractive person.
I was just doing some house work when he came out in just a towel and was brushing his teeth. I didn't seem to think anything of it so I didn't see it as anything. With out making a sound he was right next to me with his hand on the counter and he was looking at me. I was looking into his eyes they were so deep. He reaches in to the sink his face almost touching mine. I had to close my eyes. He smelt so good. He looked at me and had a huge smile on his face. It was one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. But I heard the phone ring it was my mom. "Hey baby I can't talk long but I'm gonna be at lot longer than 3 weeks like maybe 3 months". I said "ok just tell me when your gonna be back ok". My mom said ok and hung up. I said "you can stay for a month or so. That was my mom she said she was gonna be like 3 sooo". He said "I'm so sorry". I looked up at him and said "ok go but your clothes on where going out". He smiled and went to the bathroom. But he left the door barley cracked open. I wanted to look in Soo bad but. Was it the right thing to do? I didn't. So when he got ready he put on a black long sleeved shirt and Adidas sweat pants. I got my keys and went out to the car. I started it and started driving. We went every where I could possibly think of that I liked. We became pretty good friends. We got back and we where sitting on the couch. I got really tired. I started to fall towards Finn. But I managed to catch myself before I did. Then he finally asked "you getting tired" I smiled and said "yeah".then he said "you can come over here if you want to". I leaned over there and he put his arm around me. He was so comfortable. I looked up at him. He looked at me and started to get closer to my face. I waited for him to kiss me but it never happened. I opened them and he was just reaching for the remote. I turned around and just fell asleep.

Finns POV

I wanted to kiss her but I don't know how she would react. I don't want a bad rep just became i kissed this smart amazing funny girl.

Next morning

I woke up and Finn was still sleeping. I dug my self deeper into his chest and just smelt him. Then I decided that it would be less awkward if I took a shower if he was asleep instead of being awake. So I got in the shower. I forgot something in my room so I walked in there with a towel around me and I saw him. He looked at me and Immediately turned around. He said"uhh sorry, I just heard you up and I didn't know you where taking a shower". I just wanted back into the bathroom and left him just talking. I liked that he respects me enough to feel bad and turn around. 

**After I got dressed**

I put on PINK yoga pants and a long sleeved mertle beach shirt and I had my hair in Dutch braids. I came out and Finn was blushing. I looked at him and he said a quick "sorry". I looked down and laughed. "It's ok"I added trying not to act as if I wish he would of not cared. He was ready for the day and so was I . But all he wanted to do was watch Netflix again. But I told him we have to do something today. So we went to the square.we got ice cream acting like best friends. Who knows maybe that's all were supposed to be. Then we got back to my house and I turned on the TV. I went to my room to change into PJs. I went down stairs and heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Jonathan. Finn walked behind me and Jonathan looked at him then me and scoffed. I said "what"I asked. "Are you to..." He asked. "No... He just needs a place to stay for a while" I said acting as if I didn't care. He looked down and Finn stuck his hand out to shake Jonathan's and he accepted and said "hi I'm Jonathan...her EX boyfriend". Finn doesn't see me that way and I knew it but Jon still didn't have to say it that way.  Finn smiled and looked away. Then he sighed and said "well I'mma go take a shower". And he walked into the bathroom. Jonathan scoffed and said "oh wow he's taking showers here now". I said "ITS NOT LIKE THAT". He said "listen I don't care what he's doing here but I just wanted you to know the only reason I told you I was bad for you it's because I love you. You mean so much to me and I will do anything to get you back". I said"you have to be"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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