the quiet spot

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I was in his car and then I asked what was wrong . He didn't answer and I put my hand on his cheeck and said "please?! Tell me". He said "we're here " it was a small patch of flowers and it was out of town full of privacy. He gets out of the car and comes over to my side. He opens the door with a smile on his face and holds out his hand I take it and he pulled me up to where he was carrying me. I had one leg on each side of his body when he kisses me and sets me down. I get on my tip toes and I kiss him one last time. I asked "what are we supposed to do here?" "Anything you want he said with a smile on his face" I sit him down then I say "talk..then we'll see what happens next." He groans the lays on his back then I go up to him and lay on his stomach and say "I want to know why I couldn't talk to your dad. Or why your mom made up an excuse of why I couldn't.

Jonathan's POV

Her asking that made me want to cry. But I told her "he abuses me and my mom" I sat me and Y/n up. He hugged me and said "I want to meet him". I looked at her and said "your so wonderful." She pulled me on top of her and I kissed her. I held her arms down while her kissed her neck. She moved her hips in sync with my kisses. I released her hands and put my hands on her hips and she put her hands through my hair. Then out of no were the car horn goes off. I look at the car and some how my keys were doing it. They fell and they where under Y/n. I grab them and sit up. Y/n strokes her hands through her hair, And sits up. I look at her and say "I love you" she looked up and said "what?" I l stood up and said "I have been  in town you for 3 days and I have more feeling for than I have ever had for anyone". Y/n said"I love you too". I helped her up and kissed her soft lips. We walked to the car and went to the square. I held her hand and walked and got ice cream. We kissed occasionally.


I loved him, I truly love him. Yes is so special. He asked me if I wanted to go ice skating with him on Saturday. Of course I say yes. I can't wait to go.

Time jump

We where in my driveway and he kisses my softly against the lips and I grab his face and pull him closer. Then I smiled and let go. And said love you. He smiles and say he loves me too.

Summer time

Jonathan's POV

We where walking through the park with Y/n on my back, and Christopher and Matt. I could tell Chris liked Y/n but I didn't let it effect me. We where all walking after I put y/n down when Matt said he had to go to the rest room but didn't know where it was. So I took him. I knew Y/n wouldn't cheat on me so I just let it go but I still wanted to hurry.


Chris and I where walking around when he asked  "when did you to first start dating?" I said"well basically the first nighr we meet." I didn't think anything of him asking because he was Jonathan's best friend and I knew he was more loyal then to make a move on me. I knew he liked me but I loved Jonathan. And I always will.  I saw Jonathan walking back with Matt slowly falling behind. I could tell that he was hurrying. Chris looked at him and looked at me and asked "do you love him?" . "With all of my heart." I said plainly. Then he poked me in the side which is I ticklish spot and I jumped up and started running from him around the tables we where sitting at.

Jonathan's POV

I saw them laughing and running. So I got faster and when I got over there Y/n jumped into my arms. I spun her around with a fake smile on my face. Chris stopped almost immediately. And gave Jonathan a fake smile. Matt slowly walked up and said "well thanks for waiting Jonathan." Sorry" I said kinda embarrassed. Y/n suggested that we should go out of town the next weekend at her parents lake house.

Jonathan Brandis imagineWhere stories live. Discover now