the scary movie

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Jonathan POV

Y/n put on a scary movie and we all sat on the couch. Matt and Chris sat on one side and Y/n sat on the end. She had her head on her shoulder. And we were holding hands. We are only gonna stay here for tonight and the day following. Chris and Matt are leaving tonight. Matt thought it was best. I honestly have no problem with it.

After the movie

Matt hugged Y/n and left with Chris. Y/n came and sat next to me almost on me and grabbed my hand and put it around her. She looked up at me and quickly kissed my cheek. I tilted her head up and kissed her lips. She flung her leg and the other side of me and was sitting in my lap. I rubbed my hands up and down her butt and thighs. I rolled her to where she was laying down and i was on top. She slid up my shirt and took it off. I took hers off. Then I said "wanna go to the bed?" She said "yeah". I carried her up to the bed and kissed her neck. I layed her on the bed. She slid off my pants I slid off her pants. Then her phone went off. I moaned and rolled over. She picked it up and said "ohh, hi Mom.....yea....what...okay.... Love you bye." I asked what was it. She said "my mom said I had to be back in town tonight, but I could stay at your house If I wanted." "Of course I do" I said. So she got ready and I packed and we had everything packed in the car and I asked her.

At Y/n house

We walked in and Y/n kissed her mom on the cheek and hugged her. Her mom said"Jonathan... Nice to see you. Will she be spending the night at your place tonight?" I said she would. She nodded her head and Y/n and I went up stairs to put her things away then we where on our way to my house.

At my house

I told my mom Y/n was staying the night and she said it was ok. We went up stairs and ran into my father. He looked at me than her and smiled at her and said "hi I'm Jonathan's dad you must be Y/n." And he held out his hand . She grabbed his hand and said "uhh yes.nice to meet you". They exchanged smiles and kept walking. We went to my room. I locked my door. I put in a movie and we held hands and cuddled. We where watching her favorite movie (your favorite movie) you went to the bath room and kept the door open while y/n was in they and when you got back your mom was showing her old picturs of me. They where laughing when I walked in. I smiled and asked what they where looking at. She showed me some pics. I smiled and grabbed her hand. She was laughing. She looked at me with a big smile on her face. My mom almost immediately noticed and said "I'll leave you to alone." She locked the door before closing it. I rushed into the kiss before she could say anything. Her eyes where still open when I first started kissing her but by the time I opened my eyes again they were closed. She put her hands on my face and pulled away, she have me a love tap (which is where you smack them lightly on the face twice) and sat on my bed. I laid next to her. I flipped my self to the other side to her and we held hands and fell asleep.

Jonathan's mom's POV

I walked by the door and couldn't help but look inside. I saw my baby's arms around her they were both peacefully sleeping. I was debating on whether I should wake them up in an annoying way or not. I stopped my self and didn't. I quietly shut the door and walked down stairs. Henry walked in and kissed me on the cheeck. I smiled and looked down. He asked "where's Jonathan?" I told Him "he had his girlfriend over" . Henry grunted and said "weather she's here or not he's still getting a beating for not telling me he's was leaving for an entire weekend"tryed to hold him back But he he slapped me and I fell to the floor. I saw him take off his belt and walk up the stairs. I ran to him begging him not to.

Jonathan's POV

I heard a loud bang on the door Y/n woke up almost immediately. She tryed pushing me against the wall with her back but my dad pulled her off my bed and drug her to the floor. I sa her look up and try and run to me. But my father grabbed me by the amr and drug me into the hallway.


I saw his father grab is arm and take him out to the hallway. I ran and grabbed Jonathan's dads hands. He flung his arm back and hit me in the face. I fell to the floor and held my eye and cheeck. His mom came and held my hand. He hit Jonathan a couple of times I was screaming and fighting for him but his mom wouldn't let go of me. When his dad finale quit he looked at me and said "mind your own business next time you hear". I looked at him and thought how could such a hatful person help create such a good person. His mom let go of me and walked down stairs following his dad. I ran to Jonathan. i put my hand in his face holding his chin up his eyes were closed so I drug him to his room and locked the door.

Jonathan POV

I woke up and saw Y/n laying her head against my chest facing towards me. But when I looked at her I saw a black purplish spot covering over one of her full eye and a red mark on her cheeck. I went to go move one of my hand prints  hands but  she was holding bother of the between her two cupped hands. I saw a red mark on her arm that looked like hand prints. She tried to protect me and ended up hurting her self. I removed my hands slowly and started stroking her hair. She slowly opened her perfect eye. She looked at me and smiled a fake smile. I could see the saddness in her eyes.

Jonathan Brandis imagineWhere stories live. Discover now