Finn wolfhard

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We we're driving into town when we saw a guy about our age holding a guitar with his thumb sticking out. I pulled over and he got in the car. He said "thank you Soo much". "No problem. Are you going anywhere". I said. "He said"ummm don't have a place yet but I guess I'll figure it out". "You could stay at my place for a few day until you get something figured out" I said not knowing that I said it. "Ohhhh thank you" finn said with joy. I looked at Jonathan and I could feel the vibes coming from Him. They weren't good.

At my house 🏠

Finn got out of the car and I stayed in to talk to Jonathan. He looked at me and i said "I know I know-". "It's fine I trust you" Jonathan said. I gave him a small kiss and got out of the car. I opened the door. I went inside to talk to my mom and said "you boys can talk".

Jonathan's POV

We sat there in silence and then he finale said "your a lucky guy to have her. You know. Not anyone would just be so kind". "Yeah I know" I said plainly. "You know I think we can become friends. But one thing can't happen" I said. "What is it" Finn asked. "Don't make a move on Y/n" I said in a  non-threating way. "Deal" he said sticking out his hand and smiling. I grabbed it and smiled. Y/n walked out and said "ok you can come in". He grabbed his guitar and walked in. I stayed out and told Y/n that I was going home I was tired. She smiled and walked in side.


I showed Finn around the house and got us some sandwiches. We sat there and started to talk. He was actually really funny and pretty cute. But I was faithful to Jonathan. So when it got late i turned on the TV and showed him all of the TV stuff and showed him how to use the remote. I took a shower and got in my regular phone a white shirt and shorts. I heard a knock on the door and it was Jonathan. I kissed him on the cheek and asked "what are you doing here"? He smiled (I could easily tell it was fake) and said "just stopping by". I smiled fake back. Finn was sitting down on couch and smiled at Jon when he walked in. "We we're just gonna put a movie on" I reminded him. I sat in the middle of the Couch when Jon squeezed between us. I scooted to the side of the couch and put my hand on the side of my head.

Jonathan POV

Y/n fell asleep on the couch. I was  going to leave when I noticed that finn was sleeping there. I turned around and looked at

Jonathan Brandis imagineWhere stories live. Discover now