the next day

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I woke up and Jonathan was still asleep. I looked up at him and smiled. I put on my shorts and shirt and I went to go make breakfast. I looked in my old room and no one was in there. I went to the walked down the hallway and went into the living room. I saw Matt and Chris sitting on the couch . Just smiled at me but Chris looked me up and down and looked away. Matt said he already made breakfast. You looked in the kitchen and shrugged your shoulders. You sat on the couch.

Jonathan's POV

I woke up and heard laughing. I went in the living room. You saw Y/n and Matt laughing. I walked over to her and sat so close and was basically on her. She moved her legs on top of mine and was leaning on me. I grabbed her hand and was holding it. She asked if we wanted to go on trails and stuff. We said sure and she said "ok we'll get ready". She went up stairs and got ready. She was putting on her bikini when I walked in she didn't really care. I grabbed her waist and kissed her neck. She turned around and kissed my lips quickly then smiled and said get ready. I got on my trousers and a shirt and said ready. She was getting on tennis shoes , a visor, a tang top, and Jean shorts. She said ready.

On the trail

We where walking when Y/n slipped back and Chris caught her. I dont think she thought much of it. But I know he did. she wanted to climb a rock later on to get to a slightly higher level. So she started climbing and I could see Chris directly looking at her butt. I hit his arm kinda signaling I could see him but he just shrugged. So I started climbing. Y/n got up first and when she got up she put her hands on her hips and heavily breathed out. Matt got up next then me. Wenaited in Chris a bit and he finale got ready. It started to rain and we headed back. We got back to the house and we went in the room.


We got back and Jonathan looked aggravated. I asked what was wrong. He said "nothing." I put my hand on his shoulder and asked what was wrong. She shook my hand off and shouted  "nothing". I shouted back oh my gosh are you serious? He said what... Are you serious what. I said why are you being a jerk? He said why are you letting Chris flirt with you? You retreated back "why are you saying that ...I'm not !why don't you see that". He shouted back "how can I not". You grabbed a jacket and shoulder checked Matt and Chris who where stanging there looking at me than Jonathan. I walked out side and pulled my hood up as I cried. I walked to the shore and sat down. With my head between my knees. It was cold but I didn't care all to much because I was too sad.

Jonathan's POV

Y/n just shoved past Matt and Chris and they just stared at me. I sat down on the bed running my fingers through my hair. Matt asked"what happened?". "Your an idiot" Chris said. What?! I asked. That beautiful girl loves you and your gonna let a tiny crush that I have on her let it split you to up? I looked out side and saw Y/n walking through the rain. I saw her wipe her face and knew she was crying. Matt said "go apologize." so I went to go talk to her.


I felt a hand on my back, and I turned around and saw it was Jonathan. I looked up and he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. I squinted up because of the rain and he wiped my tears away and he said "I'm sorry for being an idiot. No reason why he likes you. You are perfect in every way possible" he said putting his hand on my face. He said "I love you and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings." I hugged him and he put his hand in my forehead and kissed it. I pulled away and he said "let's go". I held on to him while we walked to the house. We walked inside and I smiled at Matt and Chris and went to my room and locked the door behind me. I didn't have Jonathan come inside. I locked the door before he could come inside. I changed into sweat pants and Jonathan's tee shirt, I put my hair in a messy bun. I walked out side and said' who wants to watch a scary movie"

Jonathan Brandis imagineWhere stories live. Discover now