Vacation (part 3)

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We started walking in the woods and up the mountain to get to the waterfall that was there "so y/n you wanna know something" Allura said looking at me "huh what are you talking about I said walking a little in front of them "I mean I know someone on the ship that likes you" she said her and pidge giggling those words make me stop and spin around "what someone likes me" I said with a light blush I hope it's keith god what am I thinking "yup and his name is..." she said before getting interrupted by a soft roar behind me I turn around and saw a baby black panther with.... wings?!? She's so pretty she roared again but I could hear what she said 'mommy your back' she sounded excited as she said that she ran up to me and ran around my feet she was so pretty

"Did you guys hear her" I asked looking at them "nope didn't hear anyone" pidge said Allura was looking at you like you were stupid "what" I asked Allura "y/n do you not remember what you can do" Allura said in disbelief I thought back really hard...

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"Did you guys hear her" I asked looking at them "nope didn't hear anyone" pidge said Allura was looking at you like you were stupid "what" I asked Allura "y/n do you not remember what you can do" Allura said in disbelief I thought back really hard and remembered "I can fly, teleport, talk to animals, I can sense peoples emotions, I can read people easily, I can do altean magic, I can be invisible, andddd I can adapt to cultures like you... ohhhhhh" I said remembering everything pidge just looked at me but the baby panther had climbed on my shoulders "welp I guess your mine now imma name you link" I said mainly talking to the panther "we should head back" Allura said

~time skip cause I'm lazy~

Keiths POV

I get back and it's just hunk shiro and lance I walk over to them "hey where are the girls" I ask sitting on one of the chairs "they went on a hike" shiro said giving me a half smirk "speaking of girls what do you think about y/n" all of the guys look at me when shiro says that a slight blush on my face "well she is nice and funny........ and pretty" I say but i say that last part under my breath so no one can hear me "I mean do you like her" lance asks me kind of annoyed hm why is he annoyed "well she's a really good friend" I say everyone looks at me kind of upset but then we hear something from the forest "hey guys" y/n said walking up to us there was a black panther on her shoulders but it had wings "y/n there is a panther on you should" I said looking worried and confused "oh yeah this is link she is a Vik she is what you guys call a panther but with wings and abilities. Viks normally only get really close to two people in their lives what they would call mom and dad a female and normally a male I'm obviously her mom" y/n said as everyone stared at her for knowing so much information on one creature "oh yeah also when their 'parents' die they get sad and never move on so they are like actual kids" she says more about the creature "so who is the dad" hunk asks y/n "hmm i dont know who is your dad" she says the last part looking at link. Link suddenly jumps off her shoulders and walks around till eventually jumping on my shoulders purrs then looks at y/n and quietly roars "ummm are you sure" she asks looking at link then back to me link roars again "ok whatever..... keith you are the dad" she said looking straight at me "WHAT!!" I practically scream and start blushing "yup" she says kinda smiling and giggling as she walks over to me and link "Keith you are that father" lance suddenly burst out in a weird voice like he was quoting a vine i gave him a look and he stopped

Time skip because romance


I'm sitting by the pool trying to forget all of the bad memories the galra had realized very early that I was was a skilled fighter so they put me in the ring I won suddenly I started becoming a famous gladiator at first I didn't want to kill anyone because it made me sad but as I got older I started to lose all emotions everything that the others see is all an act i have never felt anything after the galra kidnapped me all the kindness and happiness isn't real I don't know anything I'm empty I'm...... "are you okay" I heard a familiar voice behind me keith I thought to myself "yeah I'm fine"I tell him looking at him with a smile but I didn't realize I was crying "no your not fine your crying" he said coming up to me and putting and arm around my shoulder I tense up but only for a little I start crying into his shoulder and I told him everything from my parents to the way the galra treated me even to my darkest fears and secrets and he told me about himself after that we started joking around he suddenly looked around and then looked into my eyes then to my lips for a second then back to my eyes he cupped my cheek after looking around again and slowly started to pull me in but very slowly to see if I would pull away I didn't and suddenly we got called to the ship (jk) and suddenly we kissed under the moonlight

 "are you okay" I heard a familiar voice behind me keith I thought to myself "yeah I'm fine"I tell him looking at him with a smile but I didn't realize I was crying "no your not fine your crying" he said coming up to me and putting and arm around ...

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^^If you don't know what I'm talking about ^^

He pulled me in further with the hand cupped on my cheek and I pulled him closer with my hands in his hair I could feel his tongue on my lips to allow entry and I did we eventually as to separate from the kiss as neither of us could breath he suddenly got up and walked away mumbling a quite sorry I have never been more confused but suddenly I heard a clang to the ground "you pushed me Allura" I heard pidge "well maybe you shouldn't be so short and maybe I could see you" Allura said sticking her tongue out "guys" I said gaining there attention "how long were you there" I asked "well only to see the juicy stuff like you and keith kissing actually everyone is here and then hunk and shiro popped up "where is lance" I said "oh I guess he didn't come" Allura said in a calm but sad tone "oh yeah we're leaving tomorrow" shiro said giving me a little smirk I just smirk back

(1129 words)

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