My Past

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"It started when I was 6"

"Y/n come here I want you to meet someone" my mom Suki said in her calming voice you loved s much "I'm coming mother you say practically running down the stairs you rush to you mothers side and you see two other family's you recognized the parents but you had never seen the kids "King Alfor, Emperor Zarkon" you said bowing remembering your manners when you looked up you saw a little boy maybe your friend alluras age she was 8 while you were 6 when you stood up straight you eyes meet the little boys and a faint blush appeared "y/n this is Netol and Lotor Zarkons sons" she said as Lotor and Netol came up to you Lotor shook your hand cause you were much younger maybe 4 years older and Netol nervously kissed your hand which made you blush he was very handsome for a  8 year old he looked like his older brother but his hair was shorter it was a white mullet he was purple like his brother but paler it was a pastel purple his eyes were a dark purple with flakes of light purple in them but they were so much different that his brothers his were yellow were Notels are white if you don't know what I'm talking about look up a picture of Lotor and you could make out light purple altean marks they looked like alluras and his ears were more pointed than Lotors "hello in y/n princess of Daliv" you said to the older boy "hello y/n I am Netol prince of Daibazaal" he said back with utter confidence and pride "mother could we go play in the toy room" I said turning to ask my mother "of course you can" she said smiling I took his hand and started running to the toy room but before that I heard my mom tell zarkon "this might work"

"Wow" everyone except Allura coran and zarkon said "yup but that's just the beginning isn't it Allura didn't you also want to say something" zarkon said looking over at Allura with a smirk she looked terrified I knew what he was gonna make her say "I-i was betrothed to Lotor but I didn't like it not as much as y/n liked being betrothed to Netol" she said almost crying keith looked at me he looked sad why would he be sad "anyway let's let y/n continue shall we" zarkon said I took a deep breath and continued "when I was 8 they finally told me"

"Y/n I have to tell you something" my mother said to me before Netol and Allura got there I looked at her confused but she went on "Netol he is you betrothed I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" she said her head hung down a little out of disappointment in herself and to look at me I was always short for my age but I couldn't help it a huge smile spread across my face "really are you being for real" I said really happy I had a crush on him but I couldn't even consider dating him because I was supposed to be betrothed I let out a small squeal and hugged my mom "oh thank you thank you ugh I'm so happy I could cry" I said jumping all around "actually you were betrothed before you even met him" my mom said still looking at me I couldn't help it my smile was so big but then they walked in Allura wasn't there yet but he was there blushing and grinning so far it looked like his face would crack "...hey y/n..." he said nervously you didn't answer you just hugged him and took his hands down ran towards the room

"So you were excited to marry him" Keith said looking upset that made me mad "well why should you care you only play with peoples feelings so I would doubt you would understand" I said snapping at him "any way when I was 14 he had to leave but as soon as I turned 18 we would get married"

"Promise me you'll come back"  I said tears in my eyes e was going to be a general for his dad "I promise you my love I will return and we will have the grandest wedding this universe has every seen I started crying I was really going to miss him he was my love my betrothed my best friend and he was leaving me ""shhh don't cry it will be alright" he said wiping my tears before placing a kiss on my lips it wasn't out first kiss but it was the most memorable "don't forget me please you mean to much to me" I begged him still in his warm embrace I was really going to miss his eyes that glowed whenever he saw you or his smile that could light up a room but most importantly you were going to miss cuddling with him at night, his warm embrace in the morning and his soft warm lips when they touched yours "I could never forget the love of my life@ he said practically whispering in my ear it sent chills down my spine his voice was husky but light if you know what I mean "barf get a room you two" I could hear Allura behind me making gagging nosies we both laughed and with that he was gone

At this point everyone was crying except keith he look angry, sad and jealous at the same time "oh you thought that was sad wait till what happens next " you heard zarkon say smugly where was Netol he left the screen 5 minutes ago "go on tell them" zarkon said still smirking he was enjoying this "but he never returned to me" I said almost crying

A few months after he left it was my birthday he was supposed to visit but instead I got a video call  from zarkon "I'm sorry to inform you y/n but Netol died in battle some space pirates tried to take his ship they didn't but they took his life" he said looking at me like I was a hurt infant I started crying my best friend my betrothed my first love my future was gone he broke his promise he lied to me "NO THAT CANT BE TRUE HE CANT BE DEAD HE PROMISED HE WOULD COME BACK" I yelled at zarkon my mom looked at me shocked that I had yelled at someone of a higher rank I stormed up the stairs and to my room and tried take a nap my head was killing me but it was so cold without him his scent was still on my pillow because he sprayed his cologne on my pillow before he left  he also left a bottle of it for when you missed him you sprayed it almost all the time suddenly you weren't sad you were angry you went to the training room everyday for hours on end training so you could get the people who killed your lover

"Is that what you wanted for me to live through the pain again" I turned to him crying I know there is more but I can't remember it it's still very fuzzy "well close enough but I wanted to show you something else you loved one dead bring Netol here" zarkon said to you then yelled to his guards you heart sunk to your feet and kept going "I'm sorry sir but he escaped in a pod he is heading to the castle of Lions" one of his guards said to him suddenly you heard an alarm the bay hanger door was opened the closed "WORMHOLE NOW" I yelled to Allura and she did as I said we got away from zarkon and my love wasn't dead isn't dead a smile appeared on my lips I couldn't wait to see him

Drama omg Ik maybe stuff will happen between you and Netol or maybe not you'll find out in the next one

(1364 words)

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