Vacation (part 1)

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When you were done crying you walked to the kitchen but you didn't see anything you liked so you made yourself breakfast. When you finished you walked to your room and got changed into your paladin armor so you could train more but also get use to the suit you guessed Keith was in his room he kinda disappeared. As you were walking to the training deck you heard a loud alarm ringing though the castle and you heard Allura's voice "HELP ZARKON IS ATTACKING QUICK" as soon as you heard that you ran to the control room just as you got to the control room shiro walked in in his paladin armor and bayard just like you then Keith walked in followed by pidge then hunk where is lance you thought to yourself "so I guess zarkon isn't actually attacking" you said kinda annoyed but then lance walked in wearing a face mask, blue robe, and blue lion slippers "no shiro and y/n were the only ones ready keith where is your armor hunk pidge where is any of your stuff but most importantly guess who failed" she said that last part looking at lance with a stare that could kill. After everyone had cooled down everyone including you was staring at keith "what do I have something on my face" Keith asked kinda weirded out. "No" I said trying not to laugh but I couldn't help it "your hair is braided Keith" everyone except you Allura and coran said well you didn't say anything cause you were dying or the floor of laughter Keith looked in a mirror and saw every inch of his hair was braided as you collected your self you took a bunch of pictures of keith as he was taking his hair down but when he did he looked like a lion and that made everyone laugh he just looked around again confused you grabbed a brush went up to him and brushed his hair so it looked normal "ok y/n I'm going to kill you now" he said glaring at you you started to run around the room to try and get away from keith but he caught up with you tackled you and started ticking you nobody seemed to notice until you declared victory because he called defeat you got up and helped him up with out thinking as you both got up you saw everyone looking at you and Keith "take a picture it'll last longer honey" you said as you blew a kiss at everyone staring at you "what have I said from day one guys keith gets all the girls" lance said annoyed me and keith just looked at each other keith was a tomato but I only had a light blush "yup that's true" I said walked behind keith and jumped on his back he was shocked but still caught you when you did that everyone stared at you and then to keith "to the kitchen" you said to keith pointing to the kitchen as he started carrying me to the kitchen everyone said "what did she do to keith"

(I'm writing this and be alright by Dean Lewis came on and made me sad)

Keith's POV

I set her on the counter and walked towards the cabinet she's so cute when she acts like that her e/c eyes shine and her smile lites up the roo... what am I thinking she probably doesn't like me like that I let down my barrier for her and don't want to get hurt I started walking away from the cabinet and to my room "Keith what's wrong" but I didn't answer her I just walked by her and half ran to my room when I got to my room I buried my bright red face into my pillow why did I do that she probably thinks I hate her or something ugh what are these feelings as I was lost in my own thought I didn't realize that Allura was standing at my door I lifted my head up and half yelled (the rooms are sound proof) "why dose y/n make me feel like this" then I sat up and looked at my hands that were in my lap "I think I like her as more than a friend" I heard a gasp from my door my already red face looked up quickly to see Allura at my door she looked like she was gonna scream she did I ran up to her and put my hand over her mouth as she half screamed "you like y/n I knew it" everyone came running to my room everyone got there in their armor and with their bayards. "What's wrong" y/n and shiro shouted at the same time I removed my hand from her mouth and looked at her with 'if you tell anyone I'll kill you' eyes Allura just looks at everyone and says "nothing" and right after she says that she giggles I was red but then I realized that we were missing someone "where is Coran" I said looking around but just as I finished that coran said over the speakers "everyone come to the control room I have an special announcement" as we made our way to the control room y/n stopped me and looked up at me with her beautiful e/c eyes and her h/l h/c hair outlining her face but her eyes looked a little different they weren't bright "what's wrong" I finally said she looked at me and she almost looked like she was going to cry "do you hate me" she said with a shaky voice avoiding my gaze I put my thumb and pointer finger on her chin to make her look at me "I could never hate you" I said probably looking so serious "Keith" she said looking at me I slowly started to pull her towards me but very slowly to see if she would pull away and she didn't our lips were maybe half a centimeter away when Allura coughed interrupting us we both quickly moved our heads and turned to face her I had to move up a bit because I'm 6'5 and she's 5'2 "come on love birds grab your bathing suits we are going on vacation" she said very giddy


I turned to walk to my room but keith walked beside me because my room was across his I got to my room and put on a bathing suit on and then put on something above it

I turned to walk to my room but keith walked beside me because my room was across his I got to my room and put on a bathing suit on and then put on something above it

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