When do you let go?
When do you know that you can?
You've managed to find a new beginning.
You've found happiness once more.
You've found a new love.
But what if he comes back?
Will you let him in one more time?
"Can you tell me about your family?" he asks as he takes another bite from his sandwich. You reach for a napkin and hand it to him, "you have mayo at the corner of your lip."
You chuckle and shake your head as you watch him wipe the corner of his lip.
"Well, both of my parents are doctors. They fled the country to continue their practices in America, and that's where I grew up. My dad's Korean and my mom's American. They met when my dad was brought to America for his internship, but they got married here in Korea."
"Wow, your family must be really rich," he continues to munch on his sandwich, "Yah. No talking when your mouth is full," you scold him. He sticks his tongue out at you in return, and you laugh at his childish act.
"My parents are just really hardworking. Plus, my grandpa didn't have anyone to pass this company on to except for my dad."
"How come you're still staying in Korea? I thought you're parents wanted to continue their practices in America?"
"They do," I nod. "Actually, they're leaving in 2 days. I'm staying here, though. I want to study here."
"Are you staying with someone? Your aunt?"
"No. I'm going to live alone, but I have Jiwoon oppa to look after me."
"You have me too. And you can call me Jimin oppa! I'm 2 years older than you." he winks. You roll your eyes and playfully push him,
The unpleasant smell of hospitals fills your nostrils as you finally wake up from your deep slumber. You slowly blink your eyes to adjust to the light. You can hear voices whispering but none of them were familiar to you.
"Hyung, what do we do now? We could get sued for this."
"It wasn't anyone's fault. The brakes were not working, and he couldn't control the car in that situation."
"What if she presses charges though?"
"Let's worry about that later. I'm more worried about her. She's been out for a day already and no one has come to check on her."
At that, you're finally able to fully open your eyes and see three men each seated on the couches in front of your hospital bed. One of them turned to your direction to check up on your state but when your eyes meet his, all the air you could inhale was suddenly sucked in.
"You're awake," he breathes. Immediately the other two turns to your direction as well.
"Jungkook, call a nurse," the boy with caramel hair says. As Jungkook stands up from his seat to follow his hyung's order, the other boy still has his eyes locked on yours.
"Hi," caramel-haired boy starts. He makes his way to your bed and gives you a small smile, "I'm Namjoon. That's Jimin," he points to the man who still has his eyes focused on your form.
Namjoon then clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck, "Uhm, you got into an accident last Friday and we took you to the hospital. Do – do you have any family members or relatives that maybe we could call?" You shake your head and give him a smile, "I'm okay. Don't worry about it," you try to sit up on your bed but a sudden pain to your left side causes you to wince and fall back down. Namjoon immediately supports your back, lying you down gently. "Please don't move. Jungkook went to get the nurse," he tells you. All you can do is nod.
"Jimin," Namjoon calls the younger. Jimin stands up from the couch and makes his way to the other side of your bed. "Watch over her for a while. I'll go check on Kook to see what's taking him so long." The younger nods without looking at his hyung or at you. He keeps his head down even after Namjoon excused himself and leaving you with him.
Jimin glances up at you and your heart immediately breaks at the sight.
"I thought I'd lost you again," he sobs.
A/N: Updates for this book will be every other Monday. It will alternate schedules with my new book: "Don't Forget" (BTS AU). The book will be published tomorrow so stay tuned!
Have a good day!
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