Chapter 2

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"Chim?" you call out. Jimin was sitting next to your bed and his hand was clutching yours tightly as he cried.

"Hey," you call out again. He looks up at you, eyes and nose close to a shade of red from all the crying. You run your free hand through his hair as he hiccups. You give him a smile, "I'm okay. Stop crying." You wipe the tears on his face.

He suddenly grabs your hand and places a kiss to your knuckles. Before you could even react to his action, you are interrupted by a knock on the door.

A young nurse walks in, followed by Jungkook and Namjoon

Jimin doesn't leave your side as the nurse goes to check up on you and asks some questions. Jungkook and Namjoon stayed standing in front of your bed and watched as well.

"Hyung, have you been crying?" Jungkook asks Jimin. Jimin gulps, not sure how to explain his puffed cheeks and red nose. Before he could even think of an answer, the nurse speaks, "Dr. Song will come to check up on you later. I'll come by again later to give you your next medication."

She quickly exits the room and all three pairs of eyes land on you. "Are you hungry? We can get you food." You were about to say no but your growling stomach beat you to it. Jungkook softly giggled and you couldn't help but blush. "I'll head out to ask the other guys. Jimin, come with me. Jungkook, you stay with –"

"Y/N," you tell Namjoon as you notice him look at the door as if trying to remember what was written on the board beside it. He gives you a smile to thank you, "Y/N. Jungkook, you stay with Y/N," he repeats.

Jimin quietly follows Namjoon out the door without taking a second glance at you. As soon as the door closes, an awkward silence takes over as you and Jungkook stay on your places without uttering a single word.

You try to break the ice by asking, "H-how are you?" His eyes immediately look at you and he chuckles, "shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" Your feel your face flush at his reply, mentally face palming yourself at your lame method in trying to break the ice. He takes notice of your embarrassed state and a pang of guilt courses through him, so he answers you, "I'm good. A bit shaken, but I'm okay."

A sudden realization then hits you, "Wait, can you tell me what happened?"

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