-Thirty four-

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-The Wedding-

*Six months later*


"Guys, what color bridesmaid dresses?" I asked.
"Turquoise!!!" Kam waved her arms while stuffing her face with chocolate.

"Decide" I sighed. "Well it depends, what colour are you wearing?" Lisa asked and I looked at her with pity in my eyes. Pity for her brain.
"Liz, I am the bride. I wear white" I explained. "Right" she smiled goofily.

"So, turquoise?" Kam asked who was now dissecting a blueberry she had picked from a cheesecake. Those were the presents I had received from the hospital on successfully passing my exams and announcing my marriage. Kam was gulping it all down. I still could never figure out how she remained in shape with all that sugar going down her body.
Me, I eat the cheesecake with the blueberry and Whoosh! I become the blueberry.

"Liz, Mel, turquoise?" I asked and they both made faces. "Then just tell me what you want" I said.
"Orange!" Dan said from the kitchen counter and threw an orange at me which Mel dived and caught. "No" I said, picturing orange dresses in my head.

"Burgundy" I suddenly said like a Eureka moment. "Really?" Kam asked, now sharing the cake with Dan who also was picking the blueberries off the top and inspecting them. "Maybe" Dan was in thought, imagining the whole scenario. It had to look perfect.

"Okay" Lisa agreed and Mel nodded. "Did you pick a dress for yourself?" Dan asked.
"Yes, obviously" I replied. "How is it?" he questioned. "Nice try Dan, you'll see on the day" I smirked.
"Aw man, just tell me already" he requested.
"Do you actually want to know? It won't be a surprise anymore then" I raised my eyebrows.
"When you phrase it that way... okay I don't wanna know. Man I can't wait to get married" he licked his frosting covered fingers. "Me too" I mumbled under my breath. It was finally happening. Just a week more.

It was The Day. The day every person dreams of way before it actually happens. The day all seems perfect, you feel like you're on cloud nine. Mine was going to be perfect too, not because of the dress, the location, the food, the cake... but because of him. Dan was the dream, the dream come true.

I was in the dressing room, getting my hair and make up done before I started my way into that gorgeous dress on the hanger. Lavender flowers adorned every corner, every table and the fragrance was everywhere.

"Ow" I squinted and I felt a hair get pulled. "Sorry" I heard the hairdresser say before pulling another bunch and sliding a pin to keep it in place. Some strands fell on my face and tickled my nose, obscuring my view of myself in the mirror in front of me.

"You were right, burgundy is totally our colour" I heard from behind me and turned. Liz, Mel and Kam looked back at me, dressed in their dresses. "Keep your head steady now" the hair stylist advised but I was transfixed. "You three look gorgeous" I cupped my hands on my face.

"Thanks!" they chorused. They too had their hair left to be done and sat on the chairs next to mine, waiting for their turn. My hair took another fifteen minutes and she slid the last pin, putting everything in place. I had no idea how my hair looked from the top/back.

"You look beautiful!" Lisa sounded dreamy. "Thanks, can anyone click a pic of my hair?" I asked. I had to see it for myself to believe it.

When I did, I was awestruck. I don't know how hair art was possible to such levels of perfection but this stylist had done a commendable job. My hair was tied up in layers giving it the shape of a blooming rose and diamond like beads were stuck into the folds, more towards the outer side and gradually we decreasing towards the inside. Curled strands of hair fell on the sides of my face, making everything come together.

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