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My eyes fluttered open. I moved to rub my eyes due to the sudden daylight, but I was shot with an intense pain in my chest. I winced, reminiscing about yesterday. I took a bullet for Chan. He better make me cupcakes. I stood up carefully and walked to the door. I was about to turn it when it opened. Chan walked in with a first aid box.

"You're up!" He said surprised. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"You shouldn't have done that." He scolded. "I can't believe you jumped in front of me."

"Me neither." I snickered.

"Ah, still playful, I see." He smirked and sat down on the end of my bed, placing the first aid box beside him. "Come on, I need to change your bandage."

I nodded and walked up to him, but stopped.

"C-Can I do it by myself?" I asked shyly, realising I'd have to be top less.

"Don't worry, I've seen you before." He smiled slightly, as if reading my mind.

"How..." I started, but I looked down. I was wearing clean clothes...

I squealed and ruffled my hair at the thought of Chan undressing me, causing him to chuckle.

"I... uh..." I hesitated. He got impatient so he leaned forward and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me down so I was sat on his lap, facing him. I turned bright red and fanned my face.

"I-Is it getting hot in here?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Can I change your bandage?" He asked. "Otherwise, it will get infected."

"Yeah, sorry." I cleared my throat. He lifted my arms up and I held them there as he pulled up my shirt. I was making small noises as i internally screamed.

"Dude, do you need to scream or something?" He chuckled.

"I don't wanna break your eardrums." I huffed. "This is a very scary position for me, as a lady."

"Lady? Hardly." He muttered. I replied by puffing out my chest area a little, causing him to choke. I smirked. He removed the bandage and wiped the wound before getting a new one and starting to wrap it round.

"Is it too tight?" He asked.

"It's fine." I replied. "Thank you for doing this."

"It's the least I can do for someone who got shot for me." He smiled brightly. "It means a lot."

"If I'm being truly honest, I would do it any day." I smiled back. "It's only been, what, a week? And yet, I feel like you guys are my family."

"We try." He giggled and finished tying the bandage. He pulled my shirt down again, but instead of telling me to get off, he held my waist. I placed my arms on his shoulders, and we started into each other's eyes.

"Your school called." He said, not breaking eye contact. "I told them that you were just really sick."

"Did they ask who you were?" I asked, still staring into his beautiful, deep brown eyes.

"Mhm," he nodded. "I said I was your good friend."

"Lit." I blurted out.

"You and Felix would get along amazingly." He laughed.

"We should highkey play Fortnite together one day." I snickered.

"Chan, is she..." someone who sounded like Changbin started and opened the door. I jumped off Chan, but he still saw.

"...sORRY I SHOULD'VE KNOCKED!" Changbin shouted.

"NO IT'S FINE!" I shouted back. "We didn't do anything." I laughed awkwardly.

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