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This was it. The final moment. After the next hour, I would be free of my father forever.

It was hard to truly accept it, but I knew it had to be done. With the 9 boys by my side, I knew I would be strong enough.

"As soon as he sees you, run." Chan said, stroking my head as I rested it on his shoulder in the car. "Run as fast as you can to the dock and come straight to me. I'll be here to protect you."

"Okay." I smiled.

"You'll do great!" Jisung cheered.

"Y/N fighting!" Woojin said. I smiled. The car stopped and I took a deep breath.

"Good luck." The boys bid me goodbye.

"See you in a bit." I smiled and jumped out of the van. It drove off and I walked into the middle of the field. All I could do for now was wait.

After 20 minutes, I saw my father approaching, but he didn't notice me yet. I noticed he sped up, soon dashing in my direction. As planned, I sprinted off in the direction of the dock. He was closely trailing, but I was safe. As I entered the dock and turned around the sharp corner, I bumped straight into Chan's chest.

"He's here, come on!" I said. We both ran and stood with the rest of the S.K.Z.

To my father's dismay, he was greeted by police officers surrounding him as soon as he ran around the corner.

"Fuck!" He swore under his breath.

"Sir, you're under arrest for illegal activity and stalking. You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will he used against you in court." The officer said. I watched my father be handcuffed and dragged into a car.

"And that's it, Y/N." Woojin smiled. "You're safe."

"Now that's all cleaned up, let's all watch a movie!" Jeongin suggested.

"Guys, I'm really tired." I yawned. "I might just sleep."

"Me too." Chan smiled. "You guys go ahead without us"

"Ooh!" The boys gasped, but said nothing more. We laughed and walked into the corridor.

What the boys didn't notice is that we both went into Chan's room.

"Tired?" Chan asked. I nodded and flopped down onto his bed. He laid down next to me and hugged me.

"I wuv cuddles!" I giggled.

"Me too." Chan smiled.

"Chan... what are we?" I asked, tracing imaginary shapes on his chest.

"Well.. I was wondering..." he took a deep breath. "...if you wanted to be my girlfriend..."

"R-really?!" I asked.

"Yeah..." he blushed slightly.

"I would love to!" I smiled brightly.

Our lips met again, and all I could feel was happiness.

R.B.B. 방찬 bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now