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I lifted my head from my desk as my alarm blared. Turning it off, I realised I fell asleep as I was working on some papers. SKZ got a bunch of data about my father's gang and we split it up between us to analyse, find any traces. I had stayed up to finish it after everyone had gone to sleep, but looks like I fell asleep anyway. I went into the bathroom and washed up before getting changed. I walked back to my desk and continued working.

Running a hand through my hair, I threw down my pen.

"This is so annoying." I ruffled my locks. "I think I'm getting the hang of it." I comforted myself and picked up my pen again. Just then, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said. Felix came walking in with a tray.

"Morning. We knew you were still working so we brought you some coffee and Chan made you some toast." He smiled and placed the tray on the desk beside me. "Wow, you've done a lot."

"I know." I smiled proudly. "Only three papers left."

"I was being sarcastic. We finished at 8 yesterday." Felix scoffed. I frowned and slapped the back of his neck, causing him to groan and rub it.

"I'll be done soon." I pouted.

"Don't rush." He smiled sincerely. "We're proud of you."

"Thanks." I smiled back. As soon as he left, I took a bite of the toast. "Damn this is good... Chris sure knows how to cook."

And so, I sipped on my coffee and nibbled as I worked on those three papers left.

"Okay, let's compare data." Seungmin clapped. "Changbin, what did you get?"

"As I was looking through the CCTV footage, I noticed that Y/N's dad's accomplices always looked on edge around him. As if they were being threatened." Changbin said and played the footage. It was true: the men were all calm until my father came up. As soon as he approached, they tended and didn't joke. "This means if we offer them something they need, maybe protection, they'll spill something about him and his plans."

"We don't know for sure they're not just cowardly thugs, thouugh." Jeongin mentioned.

"Actually, I can back up Changbin's theory." I pulled out one of the papers I was working on and placed it in the middle here. "After spending ages trying to find them, I discovered they both have one or more children and a pregnant wife. They're also having money issues right now. They might just want to support their families."

"I can see that," Jisung said excitedly and pressed another CCTV clip. "As you will see in this, these men both worked low paying legitimate jobs: one at McDonald's, one at a barber shop."

"Neither of them have had any precious criminal activity." Minho pitched in.

"What if we assure them that their family is safe with our protection?" Felix suggested.

"They wouldn't just take our word for it. We need to do something to make them believe us." Hyunjin pointed out.

"Chan? What do you suggest?" Woojin asked.

"I agree with Hyunjin, but I can't think of anything." Chan furrowed his eyebrows.

"What if..." I said, deep in thought. "...we approached their wives?"

"It's a long shot...." Seungmin frowned. "But it might just work."

"It's worth a shot." Jeongin shrugged.

"Okay. Plan?" Hyunjin asked.

"I got it!" Chan said happily.

"We gotta be 100% ready tomorrow." Chan said as he rolled up my jumper and took off the plaster over my gunshot wound.

"I know." I breathed in nervously (half because of the exciting day tomorrow, but half because Chan was tending to my wound).

"Your wound is nearly gone." He smiled as he applied some ointment. "Another few days and you should be good to go without a plaster."

"Thank you for taking care of me." I smiled timidly.

"Always." He replied. After he replaced the plaster and he rolled my jumper down, his hand lingered around my hips. I blushed slightly as he caressed my sides. He pulled me closer until our bodies were touching, his arm anchored around my waist.

"Remember you ran away yesterday?" He smirked.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about." I stuttered. He moved closer until our noses were touching. I closed my eyes, bracing for contact, until...

"Y/N!" Jisung called. I groaned and pulled away before looking at Chan apologetically.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" I shouted back and walked out of Chan's room.

They always interrupt us!!

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