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*2 months later*

"I can't fucking believe we haven't had a job in months." Seungmin groaned.

"I'm kinda glad we just get to chill." Jisung shrugged.

I gulped. Today, Chan and I decided to tell the members that we were dating. As the other 8 were chatting, we looked at each other.

"Do we just... say?" I asked nervously.

"Relax." He chuckled. "Guys! We have news."

"O M G Y/N'S PREGNANT?!" Jeongin shouted. I choked on thin air.

"No... we're dating!" Chan announced.

"We know." Woojin snickered. Minho was wheezing.

"We aren't blind!" Changbin laughed.

"You two were so loud last night." Felix rolled his eyes. I choked even more, causing my eyes to water.

"What game were you playing?" Jeongin asked innocently.

"It's about time we had the talk, Jeongin." Hyunjin sighed.

"I'm... astounded." I blinked at the scene unfolding.

"Welcome to the family, Y/N." Chan kissed my lips.

And with that, we all lived happily ever after.

Well, as happily as a mafia gang can.


... for now :)

R.B.B. 방찬 bang chanWhere stories live. Discover now