Chapter One (Evan)

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Evan was half way to school when he felt the familiar tingling.

The message was sweet. They always are. Everything about you is wonderful.

He drew a little tree, blushing as he did. It was kinda their thing. It was the only thing that kept him sane these days. His mother worked day and night trying to provide for them. Which he appreciated, but it felt like he had lost Heidi just as much as him. Then there was Jared. He had no idea what happened. They were best friends for years, and the moment he returned from camp they were merely 'family friends'. Whatever that meant. At least his soulmate was there. Even if they physically weren't.

Evan's mind started to wander, and in the span of two minutes he had come up with a million ways he could die today. He took a shaky breath and prepared himself for what was to come. He stepped onto the campus and walked to his locker. Number 419. He opened it, and immediately forgot what he was doing. He sighed, put a few books in, and slammed it shut. But not to loudly. Then people would stare. He leaned against the locker and turned on his phone to find an article on rainbow eucalyptus trees. Might as well finish it, there were still 20 minutes until class.

"Hey acorn!"

And there he was. The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman.

"So is it an honor to be the first person in history to break their arm while jerking off?"


"Picture this; you're sitting on your bed, Connor Murphy's Instagram pulled up on your weird off-brand phone- speaking of Connor...."

There they were. The Murphy siblings. They were the ones that made him question if Murphysexual was a thing. Connor was the one who kept his attention though. He didn't know why, it's not like the stories about him were the best, but Evan just felt this pull.

"Hey Connor! Loving the new hair length, very school shooter chic."

Connor stared Jared down with an unreadable expression. Evan was debating melting into a puddle.

"Hey." Evan spoke softly, but loud enough for both Connor and Jared to hear. "I- um- just- Jared, you're kinda being a jerk. I mean- oh gosh that sounded rude..."

"Cool it acorn, it's fine. I'm going to talk to my camp friends." With that he was gone, leaving Evan alone with Connor.

"Sorry about him- I mean he's a good person- b-but he can be rude at times."

"It's fine. As long as his locker isn't anywhere near mine."

"Okay." Evan continued with his article. Connor opened his locker. The one that was right next to Evan's. If he hadn't been freaking out, he'd be wondering if it had been a coincidence that Connor had locker 420.

The bell saved him. He headed off to class, oblivious that the darkly dressed boy was hiding his blush in his hands.

Messages (DEH Soulmate AU) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now