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After Silas handled everything in Chicago, he decided to get a room. He showered, laid down, and FaceTimed Lucky. She answered on the third ring.

Silas just watched her, she was laying in bed with a bonnet on. He noticed how fine his baby looked. Her smooth brown skin had a certain glow to it. She just laid there looking at his face.

"You gone say some, dick?" Lucky asked him rudely.

Silas smirked while looking off. That was Lucky for you. She didn't greet him like normal people. Saying hey and bye wasn't her thing at all.

"Dick?" He reiterated with raised eyebrows. Silas licked his bottom lip and said, "Don't play with me."

"Well, you just staring at me and shit."

"I thought you wanted to see this face." He replied while touching his bearded face. Silas had a full, healthy beard with no patches.

Lucky pursed her lips, trying to play off her smile. Her man was fine as fuck and she knew that. "Nigga please, I don't want to see you."

"Yeah right..." he trailed off. "That's not what you was saying before I left." He reminded her.

"Whatever." She waved him off. "You got a room for the night?"

Silas placed his left arm behind his head and leaned back. He managed to handle his phone in his right hand.

"Yeah, I got a flight in the morning." He replied while yawning.

"Well, I'm sleepy myself...I'm about to go to bed." Lucky informed him while rubbing her right eye. "You might as well go too because if you miss your flight, I'mma kick yo ass."

Silas laughed a little, causing Lucky to furrow her eyebrows at him.

"I'm not playing with you...I can still kick your ass paralyze and in a wheelchair."

He stopped laughing and looked at her, "For some reason, I believe you."

Lucky smirked and said. "Alright, I'm about to go to sleep."

"I love you." Silas stated honestly while watching her.

It took Lucky a second to say anything. She just nodded her head and said, "I love you too."


"What the hell are you in here burning?" Lucky questioned her sister as she looked around the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful, but it just needed to be decorated. Lucky wasn't no decorator so she didn't bother to do anything.

"I left the eggs in the pan too long without scrambling them and now they're burnt." Briana replied while using a big spoon to peel the burnt eggs from the bottom of the pan.

Lucky shook her head. "That's just pathetic. What were you doing?"

"I was on the phone with O."

Lucky sucked her teeth while rolling her eyes. "Y'all too damn clingy. Didn't he just leave?"

Briana glanced over at her sister. "Yeah-And?"

"And my ass." Lucky remarked. "Y'all be smothering the hell out of each other. I mean-you gone see him when we go to New York."

"This is best relationship I've been in, Luck. With O, I can be myself and be free. I don't feel like I have to hold my breath around him-know what I mean?"

Lucky didn't say anything because she knew what her sister meant. She was afraid to breathe around Gunner. She just knew that he would pick on her just so he could whoop her ass.

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