Chapter 40: Love Talk

112 11 31

Song//Talk by Kodaline
Highly recommended//put on repeat

Your POV
"Good morning, y/n. Rise and shine." You heard Grayson's raspy voice ring through your ears.

"Mmm." You groaned as he tapped on your shoulder to try and wake you up.

"C'mon. Get up, we gotta get an early start." He said, sounding as if he were smiling.

You slightly opened your eyes to where you were squinting, and grabbed your phone from off of your nightstand. You turned it on and saw the time, 7:43am. You looked over your shoulder to meet Grayson's face.

"Are you okay?" You mumbled, still tired.

"Yeah, why?" He shrugged.

"Because it's 7:40 in the fucking morning!" You whined.

"Yeah, so?" Grayson scoffed.

"No one gets up at this time! Especially on a Saturday, what the fuck is wrong with you?" You said, a bit annoyed.

"Well someone is snippy today." He grumbled.

"I don't get up until after 10:00am." You yawned.

"Close your mouth." He said placing his hand over your lips.

"Why?" You squinted at him after pulling his hand off of you.

"Morning breath." He snickered.

"Fuck you! You know what?" You scoffed.

You slipped the blanket down your shoulder to move your face towards his, and purposely breathed on his face. Then you pulled the covers back over you and adjusted yourself to go back to sleep.

"Eww! Gross!" He whined.

"Serves you right." You mumbled.

"Just get up!" He groaned.

"No." You protested.




"Pretty please?"


"With sugar on top?"


"We can just take a 15 minute power nap later." Grayson shrugged.

"A power nap?" You asked.

"Yeah, so you can feel the POWER!" He yelled at the end.

"I honestly don't know what the fuck is wrong with you." You giggled.

"I'm making pancakes..." Grayson bargained.

You instantly lifted yourself up into a sitting position and tried getting used to the bright natural light that was shining through your now opened window curtains.

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