Chapter 1

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What if a day comes , when you're told that you are betrothed to someone, the day you were born? Neither did I expect to be told something like that. The day I turned 23 , I was told that I was betrothed to someone. I wasn't told anything about him other than his initials "BL" .

Questions like "What if he is old?" , "What if he is a psyco?" , "What if he is ugly?" torment me as I think about it. I just wished to know at least a little about him, but every time I asked my parents, they would turn me down saying "We agreed on not revealing his identity till you both get married. We are sorry, honey." 

Getting rejected for millions of times, I just gave up asking anymore about him. Days passed and soon the day came. The day I be the bride and a stranger becomes my groom came. I sat in my waiting room, dressed in a white laced gown, which my groom himself selected for me and sent it over for our wedding day. 

Nervousness took over me as every second passed. I'm going to see him for the first time. Will I make myself look presentable in his eyes or will I make a fool of myself. Soon enough the attendent came over to call me. I stood behind the door waiting for the call to come.

"The bride is entering"  

And with that I entered and started walking down the aisle with a smile plastered on my face as my dad led me to my groom. The room was filled with many known yet unknown faces. Many looked rich and elegant . I could understand that I wasn't just getting married to any normal guy but instead to a really rich guy. Should have guessed it, cause who else betrothes in this age of time.  I started searching for the guy that matters the most. I found him standing at the end of the aisle, looking at me with his green eyes and  with a cheeky smile on his face. He was tall, fit yet lean in his black tuxedo. The sunlight that fell on him made him look more angelic than he already was. That looks could just kill many. Wish he doesn't have a nasty personality.

I snap out of my thoughts as I get passed to my groom. He held my hand as if a little more touch could break it. From my peripheral view, I could see my dad making is way back to where my mother was seated. A sudden panic started taking over me as I was no longer in  my dad's hands. The feeling that I no longer will be his made me feel heavy. I could feel myself almost tearing up. 

"Kiara" a unknown voice called me, snapping me back to reality.  I looked clueless at the priest when I saw mic held agnist me.

 The priest who understood what I was feeling, just smiled at me reassuringly.

"Do you , Kiara Lente, take Brian Lacce as your  wedded husband?" he asked.

I mustered up all the courage inside me and replied.

" I do" 

He smiled at me and looked at my groom , whose name I got to know was ' Brian Lacce' . 

"Do you, Brian Lacce, take Kiara Lente as your wedded wife?"

 He looked into my eyes and replied with a smile.

"I do"

The priest smiled looking at us and said:

" Now, you may exchange your  rings."

Adam , my youngest cousin ,brought in the rings that were brought by Brian as he wanted to take all the responsibility of the wedding.

An awkward silence started to enter as we didn't know who would be the first one to take the ring. Understanding this, Brian forwarded his left hand and signaled me to take the ring, through his eyes. I opened the ring box and found a platinum ring which had a braided pattern on it , with tiny diamonds crusted in them . I took the ring that was the biggest between the two rings present in the box. I just took his hand and made him wear the ring. His hands were bigger than mine, he had those perfect long fingers with warmness in them.

He takes the ring from the ring box and takes my hand into his, gently and slipped the ring into my finger. He caressed the place where the ring was.

' It looks pretty on her than I thought.' he thought.

" Now , you may kiss".

 This is going to be really bad to my heart as getting kissed for the first time and that too by a handsome guy isn't helping .

I was never the type that was in relation.  I mean, I did have crushes, like a lot of them, but being in relation was just not my thing. You could say that I wanted all my first to be with my husband.

Brian steps forward and just pecks my lower lip all of a sudden,that took me by suprise and  time to process and understand what happened. And when I did , I was dumbfounded . I just blink my eyes in shock.

"And I  hereby, pronounce you both to be husband and wife" and with this joy and cheers started filling the room.

I guess the clock of my new life started ticking before i knew.


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