Chapter 14

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Kiara's POV

"Why are you so giddy today , Kiara? ". Cara questions me as she continues to scrutinize me under her gaze.

"Nothing , I guess. " I reply while I still continue to smile .

The fact that I woke up in Brian's arms and he called me 'love' has kept me grinning like a creep. I mean , the whole change in our relationship of strangers to comfort has probably arisen a tiny winy bit of expectation in me . And , I would be lying if I said I did not have a crush on him.

Now , don't start judging me . It's totally legal for me to crush on my very own husband . And no one can avoid falling for him . He is a total visual , he's got pretty green eyes , a really good body ( I assume , he works out so ) , that olive skin and a dark blonde. And the best he can cook. May not matter to you , but for me a man who can cook is the ultimate heaven . To further points to add on the list , he is pretty much a caring person who tends to not show it out .

And denying what I feel , would me just lying to myself. So I gave come to terms with my feelings. And moments like what happened in the morning and his smalls actions , just add fuel to my burning imagination or expectations.

Cara snaps her fingers at me . And I snap back from my thoughts. She points towards Kelly , who was waiting for me to accompany her. Shit ! I totally forgot we had a meeting with the Smiths . I grab my files and make my way towards her. I apologize for making her wait and walk along with her to the meeting hall.

We place our files and get things ready for the discussion. The Smiths are one of the leading companies in Britain and considered to be the allies of the Lacce empire. We were collaborating with them for the Lyon project , which still has issues with the owner of the land.

A 6'1 ft tall man, adorning a suit that screams wealth walks in. He was probably the same age as Brian . He had ashy blonde hair, blue eyes and a sharp jaw. Damn his body proportions were so good . I assume him to be Mr. Smith, given he was walking towards is . A tiny but not so tiny man stopped him by tugging the hem of his suit. I couldn't see the smaller man properly. But I feel like I know him.

Mr. Smith pat's the smaller guys head and just walks towards our direction. Following him came the ginger head of the tiny man . Wait .. !
That man totally looks like Trent from his structure and hair . If only Mr. Smith wasn't towering over the small guy , I would probably be able to figure out. As if the heavens heard my plea , the smaller man walks beside Mr.Smith . And guess what , it is Trent.

Shit! Trent works for the Smiths . How did even forget that !. But, wait! He was in the HR department. The only people who were to come for the discussion was Mr. Smith and his secretary. So, what is Trent doing here ?

Spotting me , Trent waves his hand at me . And I smile in return . He stride over to me and kisses my forehead. Something he has being doing since we were kids. Mr. Smith glares at me , I assume , cause the look he was giving was similar to glare. But ,why ?

I act as if I didn't feel the intense look he was giving me and act normal. We settle down as Brian and Liz arrive. The meeting starts with Kelly briefing them about the issue we were facing with the owner of the land. And puts forward the strategies we came with for dealing it . The meeting goes smoothly and it was decided that we would be flying to Lyon to solve it.

When I say 'we' I meant - Kelly , Mr. Smith , Trent, Brian and me. Mr. Smith was keen on going with us and so was Brian. Kelly and I were going cause we were the ones involved in it since the start. As for Trent , I have no clue , maybe cause Mr. Smith is going .?.

Trent has many questions he has to answer. Why was he Mr. Smith's assistant? And my gaydar (as in my gay radar ) keeps alerting me that there is something going on between them . I mean Trent was calling Mr. Smith as Spencer with his first name. And as for what I have heard about Mr. Smith , he is a cold person who doesn't even let others address him by his first name. And let's not forget to mention how they are just too comfortable with each other. They both sure are suspicious.

Mr. Smith and Brian were having a conversation in Brian's office while Trent was left in my care since I knew him. Time for questions .

"Pup, why are you Mr. Smith's assistant? Spill the beans . "

"Spencer happened to need an assistant and I was probably seen as the most suitable candidate cause I did my internship in that for a month while I interned under Hemmingson's. "

"Spencer , huh?" I look at him suspiciously.

"He told me it was okay for me to call him that. And nothing is going on between us . I know what goes on in that tiny brain of yours, Kiara . "

He sure does. After all we weren't just childhood friends for no reason. I still give him a doubtful look. Something going on or not , I'm shipping them anyways. The men come out from Brian's office and Me. Smith comes over to us.

"It was good meeting you , Mrs. Lacce. " Mr. Smith says as he whispers the last part. Only audible to him and me .

Taken back by his knowledge of my wedding , I freeze for a second. But compose myself before anyone could probably notice it. But Mr. Smith didn't let it go unnoticed as he smirks at me. Trent waves me a bye and follows Mr.Smith as he walks out.

How does he know that ?

"Wah! Mr. Smith's assistant was so cute . " Cara awes.

"Do you think I would see him again , cause if I do I'm totally getting his number. " she continues.

"You don't stand a chance , Cara. He's gay. So just give up . " I say as I break her tiny little bubble of imagination.

" How are you so sure ? "Scottie intervenes . When did he come ?

"I was the first one he came out to. And I have known him since we were kids. " I state.

"Doesn't matter , my idol at the end of the day is Mr. Lacce. " She says. Silly girl.

I crash in the couch as soon as I arrive home. Today was so tiring. The meeting itself was a huge task for me. I'm tired. Brian walks in and slumps down beside me on couch .

"You will be meeting someone special , Kiara , when we reach Lyon. " He says as he rubs his temples.

Wait! Who am I gonna meet ? Ughh!! Now my curiosity won't be satisfied till I know who. And what she he mean by 'someone special' ?.

Authors note :

I'm back !!! I feel so satisfied that I finally updated.

The aesthetic pic attached was supposed to be something to give u idea of Mr. Smith, but I couldn't just find the perfect one , but let's adjust with this . Mr. Smith definitely sounds so my type. What do you think about him ?
Is something brewing between him and Trent ?

And who is this someone special Kiara will be meeting ?

And how was the chapter guys ?

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