Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Ehma swiped at one of the drawers behind the front desk, thoroughly irritated with the situation. Just like with telekinesis, anger seemed to be the best resource for materializing ghostly intentions. As she studied the metallic key glinting at the bottom of the drawer, she realized her previous suspicions were correct. This was a set up.

The mystery of the butterfly spell remained unsolved, but everything else was far too convenient. Aria was in on it, that much was certain. The succubus seemed like the kind of woman to orchestrate something so meaningless. If Aria had come to recruit a human, then the only person who could have authorized it was Twelf.

At first, only Ryoko, Tera, Aria, and Selah populated the island. What Ehma thought were other ghosts turned out to be nothing more than guests in limbo, their spiritual energy collected by the hotel. The roster of women grew steadily after Ehma's arrival, though.

First Iona, then the witches, then Valeri. The one they called Twelf explained the newest arrivals' purpose during their journey. Ehma had received no such orientation. One minute, she stood on the ledge facing the city below, too drugged up to know any better. The next, she found herself in the hotel lobby.

That's a pretty cool trick.

As his thought echoed into her mind, the key levitating in Ehma's hand fell to the floor. She had been focusing hard while studying the way it contrasted with her transparent hand. She hadn't even heard him reenter the hotel.

Despite the ebbing intensity of her emotions, she tried to poke him in the chest.

"Ow, what the fuck?"

Ehma instinctively withdrew her hand. That wasn't normal. She tried again, this time clamping her thumb and forefinger on his nose. He tried to swat her hand away, but it passed through her.

She felt the purest form of happiness watching his face turn bright red, but almost felt guilty when his anger subsided. Even if his mental admission about the forced blowjob from Aria was true, that didn't explain why he looked ready to collapse. Unless the stories she had heard about succubuses were gross understatements.

"Can you let go now?"

Retracting her hand in surprise, she watched as he bent to pick up the fallen key. As he passed inches from her thighs, Ehma smirked at the idea of forcing his head to stay there. His eyes moved from the key in his palm and returned to where she floated. How did he know where she was, though?

Focusing hard, she pressed a finger to his forehead, where some said the third eye slept. Through his eyes, she saw the lobby, the key in his hand, and her name floating in thin air along with icons all around the edges of his vision.

Twelf must have given him this magic as a gift... at least he can see my name.

"Okay, seriously, what the fuck is going on? For one, why do I feel like I'm dying? Two, never in my life have I ever had a dream like this before. That's more of a statement than anything, but like... what the fuck? Three, why do you keep touching me?"

You're being very rude right now, Mr. Jacuzzi-Bubbles. Maybe I'll call you Bubbles for short. She found it amusing, but the vein throbbing in his neck said he saw things differently. How about you ask politely, and I'll think about being nice.


Please, what? I liked what you called me earlier – Goddess of the Coffee Beans. Let's go with that.

Every Hero Deserves a Blowjob [A Paranormal Romance]Where stories live. Discover now