Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Twice now, Lauren had let her appetite get the better of her. For the second time, she found herself damp. She attempted to ignore the warning signs that blared in every corner of her mind. Especially the part of her brain that connected her with the animal inside.

Truth was, she felt guilty for refusing Tera the affection that she knew the Sun Goddess craved. It was what her little kitty cat thrived on, even if she liked others to believe she was beyond things like attention. Lauren's duty to protect the others was too pressing, though.

Allowing the group to get separated was her fault, after all. Secrets, unfortunately, had a way of coming back to bite a girl in the ass. If only she could have been sure where the former Council Acolytes' loyalties laid.

Sure, Gina had been abducted by the Council as a child. Sure, Haven was technically being blackmailed to be their personal assassin. Lauren knew they both had their circumstances, but that didn't change the facts.

Gina had headed the Council's MBA division in Brazil, albeit in exchange for the freedom to run her own orphanage. And Haven... Lauren always shuddered when thinking about the thousands of humans who lost their lives to Haven's blood magic. They were criminals, and criminals had a way of letting temptation get the better of them.

I should have stayed in bed this morning. Then again, she had woken up without Tera next to her. The guilt had eaten away at her all morning, until the perplexing battle between Ryoko and her Goddess. She wished that Twelf had told her more of what was to come after recruiting the human. Their Realm God was far from omniscient, though, so it was possible that he had no idea what would transpire.

A sharp pain in her forearm brought her out of her daze.

"I said, how MUCH do you love me?"

Harsh wind whipped through her hair as she clung to Tera's hand. Stay or run? She knew it was a foolish thought, but her instincts had kicked into overdrive. She had already decided on the path she had to take. Why did things have to keep getting more complicated?

Lauren was thankful for Tera's question. It dragged her back to reality, but she almost didn't answer. The wall of dimensional magic hurtling toward them had already disintegrated the shadowy monoliths centered in the field of roses. She watched as one by one, the fleeing wolf-like creatures met the same fate. Lauren found their raw power beautiful and terrifying.

"How much?" Lauren said, repeating the question. Was there really time to answer a question like that? Tera had to know how awkward questions like that made her feel.

"I didn't stutter, sweetheart." Tera stepped in front of her, forcing Lauren's attention to shift. Lauren always thought Tera looked more like a cat than a fox, at least until any of her nine tails came out to play.

"I don't know... a lot?"

"It better be more than a lot. You're mine. In this life and all the lives to come," Tera said. Her smile was mischievous and breathtaking at once.

Lauren rolled her eyes. They'd had many arguments over the merits of reincarnation. They usually ended in someone getting spanked. It was an absurd concept – not just to Lauren, but all the witches. Life was shared by all; it was not singular, as Tera believed.

"Okay, so I'm yours. What does that—"

"I'm so very glad that you agree. I'm going to save you now, darling, so I can have you later."

Lauren glanced over Tera's shoulder to the tsunami of dimensional magic and then back into Tera's eyes. "Can't we just, I don't know, jump over it?"

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