Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


The portal's surface shimmered like glass before her. She could feel the sting of her nails biting into her palms, but it paled in comparison to the ache in her chest. The ache that said she wasn't confident about what she was doing. If he had bothered to look, he would have seen it painted on her face.

It is what it is, she told herself. Try as she might, though, she couldn't help but glare at herself. She felt silly for even allowing things to come this far.

And yet the tension knotted in her shoulders demanded someone to fix it. Who better than him? He had already seen her at her weakest. What harm could come from another embrace?

She flexed her eyes closed and let the thought slip away before stepping through the placid surface of the portal. It washed over her like a sheet of water. Secretly, she wished a hand had gripped her wrist. Karma hadn't even attempted, and he wouldn't even if she had asked. That much was sure.

The distinct fragrance of the sea filled her with its tranquility as she stepped onto dense sand. The portal was here. The one she had made with her own despair as Ryoko held Karma captive in the clouds above.

That felt like a faraway place now. One where two trains were destined to collide. Karma would be the collateral damage in the impact. If only she had known then, but she understood why it hadn't been possible.

For one beautiful moment, she thought she had stepped into solitude. There they were, though. Stupid, stupid, stupid, she chided herself. But it was too late to turn back.

She could have manipulated time again. She could have simply walked past them with without a second thought. That wouldn't be fair, though. At least not to the only one with her back turned.

"It's about fuckin' time."

Yes. This was what she wanted. A good distraction to light a fire under her ass. To burn away the indecision and get her moving again.

"Lauren, don't—"

"Can it, Blood Witch."

Her gaze shifted between Lauren and the little gothic witch. Haven had never showed much interest in all Ehma's days as a lifeless blip. How strange it was for her to be the voice of reason.

Still, this confrontation was necessary. For Lauren's sake and hers. She had been ready to receive Lauren's vengeance before. If Karma hadn't interrupted with the help of Hecate, things would have turned out much differently.

She perceived the others more than she saw them. All their eyes were staring. Some at Lauren as she turned. Some at her as the portal behind her faded into nothing.

The weight in her chest grew heavier with each of Lauren's steps. It cemented her. Made each shallow breath an exercise as the cold air fought its way through her clenched teeth.

Her curiosity for the other's reaction gnawed at her, but she stiffened her neck and refused to look away from the caramel witch. Bloodshot eyes. Deep bags that made her normal glow look dull. The pitiful state of her mascara. Ehma drank it all in, trying to image the painful emotions that brought Lauren to such a state.

"Is it true?" Lauren's steps stopped half an arm's distance away, but the heat baking from her aura engulfed Ehma's senses in its menace.

"I don't underst—"

"Don't play your dumb ass games with me. Is it true that you're Twelf's sister?"

Ehma dared to peek at Hecate. She wanted to know what had been said. What hadn't been said. How much did the Greek Goddess even know at this point? "Yes."

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