Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Summoning her essence back to her body, Ryoko stretched from her kneeling position. She had only stayed long enough to satisfy her curiosity and was thankful for that. There was no telling what he would have made her do in that perverted dream if she had stayed.

There was no denying it, though. This was a sign. Maybe Twelf had finally taken pity on her and recruited someone that could break the seal on her voice. She knew how fond he was of Aria. Maybe this was what they called divine intervention.

She knew it was only speculation, but what else did she have? If only she had words, she could clear things up. She could keep Aria from drifting further away.

Several steps brought her to the mouth of the cave. This time, it was real. This time, she could feel the air pressure licking at her wings. Now, all she needed to do was find Tera.

She smiled at the thought of unleashing her pent-up frustration on the Fox. Always looking down on her. Always mocking her inability to speak. She'd make Tera regret underestimating her.

She would force the Sun Goddess into combat. Even if she lost, the divine contract would be modified. She'd no longer be a prisoner of her own making.

Into the constant blizzard engulfing the Ice Mountains. She'd do what needed to be done. If it meant being able to communicate with Aria like a normal fucking person, then her pride and her purity were a small price to pay.

Ryoko knew that the way things had turned out was her fault. How was she supposed to know that the 12th Dimension would become more than a divine prison? The only metaphysical skill she had ever bothered to master was Astral Projection. It wasn't like she could see the future.

Her heart raced as she spiraled through the clouds. Things had finally started to fall into place. First Tera, then she'd force the mortal to unlock her voice, and then...

This time, instead of two women in white kimonos, she could clearly see Aria next to her. Everything would be perfect. Shaking the image of the beautiful succubus out of her mind, Ryoko turned to where she knew the Fox would be.

Her eyes returned to the canopied jungle below. The Sun Goddess would be at the beach that resembled Takamagahara. Ryoko could see it clearly in her mind. Tera was always there at sunrise. She had been predictable in this habit ever since Selah had terraformed it for her.

She'll be there. She'll be there. She'll be there, her mind cried out over and over. After this day, Ryoko would no longer be the one without words. She wouldn't be useless anymore.

The white sand on the eastern edge of the island came into view moments before the sun crept over the horizon. Tranquil and beautiful, it certainly reminded her of their home land. Now wasn't the time for that though.

She descended through the canopy of palm fronds and landed in the caramel sand. The silk texture of the beach floor crept between her bare toes as the aromatic fragrance of sea salt enveloped her senses. Even from where she stood, she could hear the waves crashing on the shore.

All she could think about was Aria's pink pupils staring up at her. The longing in them. The love in them. The words they would say to each other, so distant and yet so close.

She shook the fantasies from her mind. All that would come later. For now, she needed to focus. She crept closer to the tree line, searching for Tera's silhouette. She had to be here. She just had to.

The jungle around her grew still and she cursed its intrusion. There, the Sun Goddess stood. Ryoko paused and listened, waiting for her opportunity. She still had a grudge to pay back in full, but even she had the common sense to hold back. If the ambiance hadn't grown so deathly quiet, she would have missed it. Was Tera... crying?

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