Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


A flash of purple filled the lobby and fought against the blinding illumination. On a biological level, it was impossible. She didn't hate them. But even in the 4th Dimension, it was common knowledge that humans were inferior. Fragile.

So, then why? The magnitude of the attack forced him to his knees. He was lucky that was as bad as it had gotten. Still, the orb of fiery energy had almost blotted him out along with the Telekinetic Shield encasing him and the crater at his back.

She couldn't watch anymore. Not from her perch of safety, at least. It wasn't right. She couldn't feel the others with the spiritual link in place, but she knew. There was no way they weren't watching. So, why didn't they fucking help him?

Ehma floated down toward the mass of energy and around it. For once, she was glad she was a ghost. All his concentration went to repelling Tera's attack, and so she phased through the shield with ease. As her palm settled on the bare skin of his shoulder, she felt the searing heat boiling him alive.

You're an idiot.

Tell me somethin' I don't know. He looked up at her with blood dripping from his cracked skin, and she found herself lost in the sea of hazel. A peculiar sensation spread through her like a roaring echo. A third piercing light filled the lobby and the tingling sensation traveled from one palm to her other.

Ehma looked down at her hand, perplexed by the shadowy haze billowing from between her fingers. As she tried to close her fingers around the haze, it dispersed outward. It found substance and then expanded with a thunk on the lobby floor.

A sword? Dark, ethereal, and lovely, it was too heavy to lift. Ehma looked back up to the inferno threatening to envelope the area where they stood and shuddered. She knew what she needed to do but wasn't sure how.

Warmth covered her hand, drawing her attention away from the crumbling shield in front of her. Karma was still looking at her. Whether he could actually see her, she wasn't sure. His heartbeat filled her ears, her mind. He wasn't seriously trying to comfort her, was he?

She smiled at him as an idea began to formulate. Scrambling to his side, she filled his mind with one solitary thought. Even if their link somehow gave her substance, it wasn't enough to lift the sword that she found herself holding. If she could just get him to stand, then maybe...

Get your ass up, Bubbles, and help me.

Ehma reached around his muscular back and pulled. He was heavy, but inch by inch, his solid weight rose against her chest. Transparent chunks of the shield broke away and faded into nothing. Should I go on a diet?

Once his feet were planted, she ducked underneath his arm and inched her back against his chest. He was so hot, and not in a good way. The searing heat of his body almost stopped her. Reaching across her body, she guided his hand to the sword's grip and together, they lifted.

She melted against the hollow of his chest as they raised the transparent blade of shadow toward the sky. She could feel it all. His muscles flexing against her. The frantic breaths he forced into his lungs. His warm breath against the side of her head.

With what seemed like the last of his mental capabilities, his words came out a guttural whisper. "Swing."

She did.

Blacker than the abyss that haunted her dreams, a crescent-shaped arc of energy bloomed from their downward slash. It took the remaining shield head-on and ripped through it like paper. The fragments of it rained on them like stardust, but her eyes were glued to the orb of fire beyond.

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