Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


They were just... gone. The back and forth bickering had been replaced with the soft pulse of the river to our left and the light of the moon above to guide us. Why hadn't I noticed sooner?

Ehma and I were fucking around and had managed to get separated from the group. This was how horror movies started, right? The hapless idiots bumbling along while some maniac hides under the cover of night, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

When I released Ehma's foot, her ankles locked around my waist and her arms slid to pin me in a full nelson. She thought the fight was still on. I might have fought back had the atmosphere not taken on such a dangerous tension. The pressure she exerted, though, was barely enough to cause my head to dip. Two empty glints in the shadows at my feet caught my eye.

Perhaps I needed to reconsider the situation. There was a ghost on my back attempting to put me in a pro wrestling move. I was in another dimension. I was still human but for better or worse, I had been given magic. In all actuality, I knew very little about the possible dangers lurking in my own shadow.

Hey, Miss Savage-Ghost? Do shadows in this dimension have eyes, by any chance?

No, why?

Look down.

I felt the semi-warmth of her skin graze my shoulder and neck. There was almost no weight to her at all, but the pressure of her chest against my back was oddly comforting. Fly!

What, why? Where?

Yaw, bitch. Ehma's heels dug into my stomach as her arms phased through mine, her hands clenching tufts of my hair like stirrups.

I hadn't given much thought to the ambiguous levels in the Interface. For others, it represented the extent of their capabilities. For me, though, it was just a number. I had always thought of myself as average, no better or worse than anyone else. At Ehma's order, I realized that might no longer be true.

The extent of my plan included jumping while activating 'Dragon's Fury'. If she wanted me to fly, I would. That said, I wasn't expecting the spring-like propulsion that erupted from my legs. We were airborne mere seconds before a burst of cool night air rushed past my leg.

Ehma's death grip on my hair relaxed. "You're getting pretty good at this, human."

"The fuck was that?"

Silence. Ehma's only response was the pressure of her hand on the back of my head. Instead of the usual coolness, though, it felt like warm water concentrated at the nape of my neck. It was soothing, but maybe that was what set off another string of warning alarms in my head. Something was wrong. "What're you—"

"I'm sorry."

The warmth lingered, but the pressure faded. The area where Ehma's hand had been felt stiff and the sensation spread rapidly. I tried to move, tried to speak. It was like my body was frozen in mid-air. Why?

There was movement below and sounds I couldn't place. The calmness that I had felt snapped off like a light switch and all at once, I could feel my own pulse burning in my temples. What the fuck was going on?

I couldn't think straight. Had Ehma somehow frozen me? Even the magical wings connected to my shoulder blades were motionless. But why?

From what I had gathered so far about the strange ghost and the magic that connected us, I knew that she had been a powerful Psychic. But what I knew ended there. I knew about the events leading up to her death, but I knew nothing about her abilities. Had I really been stupid enough to think the lifeforce that I had been sharing with her wouldn't be used against me at some point?

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