Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Painful howls played like a requiem to Ehma's ears. Something had gone wrong and it didn't take Ehma long to translate the meaning behind the tortured cries. She felt like a fool, an absolute fool, to think everything would go exactly the way she and Twelf had planned.

The strategy had been to remain tucked inside her barrier until the heroines arrived. Once they gathered, she would emerge before her friends and share the deeper meaning of it all. The Void's refusal to listen to her orders, though, had been the first in a series of unexpected blunders.

Soon after her cancelation wave was released, she felt it. Like an instrument gone silent in the great orchestra of energy that resonated across the island. The moment the skies turned a dull orange, she knew for certain. Nothing that she could say would repair the damage she had done. The last thing she had ever wanted was to cause any of them pain. All she could do now was wait for Lauren's judgement.

Ehma's resolve was set in stone by the time the lycanthrope stood before her. She would let Lauren exact her revenge. Worst case scenario, Ehma would be pulled back to the 13th Dimension for reincarnation and she would be able to seal the Void within herself. Lauren would have peace of mind knowing the one who had taken her lover was gone, and no one would be the wiser.

Ehma withdrew some of her energy from the barrier and watched as Lauren's claws left deep trail marks in its exterior. She felt like a complete and utter failure as she stared at the pain etched into Lauren's eyes. What was it all for if she hurt the ones she cared about most? Even her own reflection looked villainous. Given the circumstances, she supposed that wasn't far from the truth.

Another of Lauren's powerful slashes, and the barrier cracked. It wouldn't be long. Every living and unliving thing had something to regret. Being a Realm Goddess made her no different. She just wished that she could have enjoyed meeting with the women she had admired all those years.

A cloud-ridden sky cooled her face as the topmost ceiling of the barrier gave in to Lauren's fury. Familiar yet different than she'd anticipated, the energy signature whisked away her chaotic thoughts and replaced them with a jolt of excitement. She hadn't felt that energy since Haven was born, so why now?

She could tell the Void felt the energy, too. The vast power bled through the clouds, causing lightning and thunder to pierce Sentinels and Void Beasts alike. Even Lauren paused. Ehma indulged in the opportunity to study the aqua-blue glow shimmering underneath her beautiful mane of fur.

Was it possible that the witches were never told the truth? That didn't make sense though. Ehma had seen the conversations take place. She had watched as the oaths were taken. How could they not know? Unless...

The sight left Ehma conflicted. Part of her yearned to see the Greek Goddess released from her prison. A more selfish part longed for her windows, within them the records of every heroines' struggle and triumph thus far. Incarnation had its drawbacks and for all those years, she had been unable to peer into their lives. She would very much like to know what had happened since she'd become mortal.

She knew that would have to wait, though, as the island shook beneath her feet and giant spires of ice heaved up from the earth. Such an odd sense of humor to have at such a delicate time, but that was Hecate. Dramatic at times, but not without reason. So, what was the reason?

Over Lauren's shoulder, Ehma saw the winged figure approaching. The excitement that she felt was tempered by frustration. Why? Why was there always some dolt with grandiose intentions? As if things couldn't be settled without pseudo-heroics.

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