Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


A wing be damned. She braced her leg muscles against the stone floor and let the demon eat her dust as she wrenched backward with Aria wrapped in her arms. The world spun as she extended an arm to guide her feet while she readied herself for one more spurt as she dug her heels into the wall.

How long did she have? Minutes, maybe? It was a clean cut, but it was a thick artery. It didn't matter. Only the girl in her arms mattered.

She felt the shockwave reverberate in the corridor behind her, but all she could see was the stonework of the bridge below them and the purple curls rustling against the endless black. Her feet touched the bridge, but she wasn't done. Not yet. She could go farther.

Her ankle gave out, twisting uselessly. They were rolling. Each turn brought a fresh sting to the severed bone extending from her shoulder blade. It didn't matter.

She could only curse herself. Deep into the vastness of idiocy. How could she have allowed herself such arrogance? Such prideful narcissism?

She kissed the back of Aria's head as the tumble ended. Dots and spots and haziness filled her vision. Propping herself up, she grimaced at the crimson river painting Aria's side. Little beads of red clung to her curls.

How fucking dumb are you? Bitterly she pushed herself off Aria, her arms shaking under her own weight. "Leave me."

Aria's glared at her. "Are you fucking stupid?"

"Yes, obviously."

"Just shut the fuck up. Don't you dare do this to me. You get your godly ass up and take me home, NOW."

"You're very beautiful when you're angry," Ryoko said as she brushed a strand of hair from Aria's cheek.

"Oh, you fuckin' bitch."

There was a sweetness to the words that she found comforting. All in all, it wasn't so bad. As long as Aria was safe.

Her eyes closed for a moment, what seemed like a fraction of a second. When she opened them, Aria towered above her like a majestic deity. Maybe if Aria had been the Goddess instead of her, things would have been different. She wasn't sure how, but just maybe.

Slender hands grabbed at her sides and she felt herself float up until she was eye-level with the pink sapphires of her queen. "You'd look lovely in white."

"You'll have to stick around to find out, babe. Now come on, up you go."

The dismal labyrinth shifted. Aria was so strong and warm and perfect. She curled into the succubus carrying her, basking in the fragrant aroma of her skin marred with the tinge of blood. Daggers pricked at her arms and legs.

"Son of a bitch."

It was hard to keep her eyes open as her head rolled along the crook of Aria's arm. Son of a bitch, indeed. More of the shadowy beasts. Aria turned back to the way they had escaped. The featureless shadow with sword in hand was walking toward them.

Ryoko was out of ideas, not that she'd had many to begin with. Instead, she looked up to the curve of Aria's chin and stroked it before resting her hand on the sharp nails digging into her arm. Aria cast a curious glance down at her, her eyebrows scrunched together.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to skydive?"

The meaning was foreign, but Ryoko thought she understood. She hadn't ever considered something like that. Diving through the skies was common when the heavens were your playground. She didn't have the heart to say so, though. "Sounds like fun."

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