Matilda sits at the dinner table, Krum and her working there way through making a profile on Christopher Scamander. The dining table is covered in papers, folders, pens and maps. Krum is tapping away at his tablet while Matilda fiddles with a pen as she types things out slowly. The door of Matilda's apartment opens Lucas walks in and smiles at Matilda who looked up. The two put their differences behind them and talked everything out. They where back to the loving and wild couple they always where. Lucas walks over and leans down to kiss Matilda. "Krum." he nods as he heads to the master bedroom to take a shower as he had just returned from training.
"We are missing something." Matilda mutters more to herself than Krum.
Krum looks across at her nodding. "We don't know where his home base is." Matilda looks up from her laptop. "We need more people on this case." Krum then mutters.
"No one will want to help a trainee." Matilda says shrugging.
Krum smirks. "I know people who will be willing to help." Matilda looks at him quizzically. "The Order of Merlin." Matilda feels the hair on the back of her neck rise in excitement.
"Are we going now." Matilda can not help but to sound giddy. Krum takes out his wand and with one swish the mess on the table all flies into a tote bag. He then pulls at a chain around his neck a pendant catches Matilda's eye, she feels like she has seen it before but can not seem to place it. On it she recognises the depiction of Yggdrasil, runes line the outside but she before she can decipher them Krum puts his wand to the pendant and whispers in a language Matilda has never heard before.
"Now we are going." Krum smiles. "Get your broom."
As they fly over London and head towards Europe. "Krum where are we actually going?"
"Order of Merlin head quarters." Krum states.
Matilda still feels like she has no answer. "And where is that?"
Krum looks over at her and grins. "Head quarters is also the home of the Yggdrasil."
"We're going to Norway? And isn't Yggdrasil a myth." Matilda looks at Krum in shock.
"You have a lot to learn Scamander." Krum smirks and speeds up, Matilda follows suit.
Suddenly Krum starts to swoop down. Matilda quickly dives forward so she can keep up. "Don't loose me Scamander or you won't make it through the shield." Krum then reaches a arm back and grabs Matilda's broom making her fall of. She does not fall for long before she is swept up by someone.
"Hello again, Miss. Scamander." A grease voice she can only recognise as that of Lucius Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy had saved her she questions to herself, like he can read her thoughts he laughs. "I did not save you, I am one of the few people who has the authority to bring an outsider through the shield." As he says it Matilda can see it; a clear bubble that is formed around a tree. "Keeps muggles away, they think it's cursed as it makes them frightfully ill when they come to close, and keeps unwanted wizards, witches and other magical creatures away as it will burn them." Matilda looks around the thick forest and wanders what all lurks there that the shield has to be this menacing. "Hold on!" Lucius then yells. Matilda feels every bone in her body go cold then the pass through the shield but it happens just as fast as it lasts. Once she touches firm ground she looks up to see multitudes of witches and wizards break through the shield.

Matilda Scamander - The Real World ✔️
FanficHARRY POTTER FAN-FICTION Complete - Unedited Book Two - Matilda Scamander Matilda Scamander has reached adulthood and has to now make choices in her career and love life by herself. But as her training stops and her career takes off things may take...