Chapter Twenty-Two: Magical Venoms

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Teddy kisses Blaze who had started to waddle around the apartment. He was headed into work. Matilda and him where finally after a few months of waiting about to get their own case. "Leaving without saying goodbye to me?" Victoire shrugs on her white healer's coat. Teddy smiles at her and kisses her and puts a hand on her tiny bump.

"We are going to have a girl." Teddy smiles and Victoire who grins at him.

"It's going to be healthy but we can find out next week." Victoire kisses Teddy quickly. "Will you take Blaze to day-care or shall I?"

"I'll take him." Teddy picks up Blaze. "You're going to be a big brother."

"Big!" Blaze yells back. Teddy and Victoire laugh lightly and head out.

"Have a good day at work." Teddy says as he gets into his car.

"You too!" Victoire chimes before apparating out of the parking lot.

"Bye bye mama." Blaze waves once his mother is already gone. Teddy straps him in his car seat. "Dada, car!" Blaze says his nonsense proudly.


Matilda walks into the Auror office sipping her coffee. She greets everyone with a warm smile as she sits down at her desk. Across from her Teddy hadn't gotten at work yet. Matilda scoffs as she starts up her computer. She flips silently through some case files that needed to be organised for some senior Aurors. Teddy runs in. "You're late." Matilda jokes.

"Blaze was being difficult at day-care drop off." Teddy brushes his hand through his hair.

"Very domestic." Matilda laughs and pushes half the stack of files over on his desk.

"You don't have a child yet. You'll realise it is the best excuse for everything." Teddy leans back in his chair.

"And I don't plan on having one anytime soon and you're about to have number two." Matilda scoffs.

"Lupin, Scamander! My office!" Harry yells across the department.

"Our time to shine." Teddy jokes hopping of his desk chair. Matilda grins excitedly and follows him.

"Have a seat." Harry says not even looking up from his computer. "So I have this case of smuggling."

"What is being smuggled?" Matilda asks starting to take notes.

"Magical venoms." Harry looks up at the odd pair of Aurors. Teddy's hair was still his signature blue hair with the sides of his head faded and the top tussled, his white shirt a little wrinkled and messily tucked into his black pants. Matilda's blond hair tied back into a messy ponytail, she wears a quidditch jersey under a blazer, her tight black jeans tucked into her combat boots.

"Magical venom?" Matilda raises an eyebrow. "What type and how much?"

"A variety of venom's the full list is in your files and we are talking about far too much being brought into London." Harry slides the file to the Aurors.

Teddy immediately flips through it. "Harry, this has been going on for two years now and we still don't know who's doing it or why?"

"It's a challenge but I think you two can do it." Harry smiles. "You can leave now."

Teddy and Matilda walk out the office, Teddy shoves the file under Matilda's nose. "Why haven't they figured this out yet?"

"They have suspects who keep running away before they can be questioned." Matilda points out. "That's going to be our challenge."

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