Chapter 1

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third person's POV

"Whaaa , All Might is amazing, he defeated 18 villains in no time" yelled a 4 year boy." Of course Izu-chan it's All Might after all. He's not the no.1 hero for nothing "a blond haired girl said. "You're right Kacchan, when I grow up I want to be a hero like him. I can't wait to get my quirk." Izuku said excited .      " But Kacchan already got her quirk even though I am older than you" "Hn,it's because I'm better than you" Katsumi said proudly" Whaa that's not true" izuku cried " See you are a crybaby, you can never be a hero with this personality" "Eeeehh kacchan is mean" "Argh,come on we're going home. Our moms will be worried." mhh"

Few month later

'Izuku will soon be 5 years old and he still don't has a quirk. It's not normal a child should have their quirk at the age of 4. Is he a late bloomer? I will take to a quirk doctor'thought Inko(Izuku's mother)

one week later at the doctors office

"I wonder what quirk I get. I hope it's as powerful as All Might's."Izuku
giggled and plays with his All Might toy" I'm sorry, kid. But this won't happend" said the doctor "Huh" izuku said as he dropped the toy. "Midoriya has a toejoint which only quirkless people have....Izuku is quikless" the doctor explained

in the evening

Izuku watched the same video of All Might that he has seen with Katsumi over and over again.
"Momie,can I still be a hero?" Izuku cried "I'm sorry Izuku, I'm sorry" Inko cried and hugged him

ten years later
Izuku's POV

This past years has been hell to me.
My once childhood friend, kacchan has bullied me since the day I was told quirkless. But I didn't give up. I trained hard to become stonger. I also started to take notes on every hero that I met. Noted their quirks,weakness, strength,etc

"Midoriya what are you daydreaming about, pay attention to class even if you are the most intelligent here" the teacher interrupted. Then the bell rang. Everyone in class started to leave the classroom beside Kacchan, some of her so called friends and me. Kacchan walked towards me and grabbed my notebook." What is this piece of shit? My futures plans to be a hero? Ha don't make me laugh, a shitty deku like you could never be a hero, stop dreaming." She blew up my notebook with her explosion quirk and threw it out of the window. "Tch,damn brat,mature a little bit. "she said quitting the classroom with her friends.

at his way home

'Hm kacchan has changed of course she was always rude but this is something else. She even started to call me deku (meaning useless)but I will show her and everyone in this world that even a quirkless boy like me can be a hero.'
I stopped when I realised that I had already passed my house. 'Huh how did I come here? Where am I? I never saw this place in my village. ' Then I turned arround and saw a dark alley. I don't know why but my intuition told me I should enter there. So did I.It is dark but when I enter I see a black , dirty but badass-looking katana(a japanese sword, it's very sharp and thin)on the ground.' What is it doing here did someone lost it?' I thought when i heard a misterious voice:


"Huh?Who's there"

"Hmm,so you can hear me.I'm down here at your feet"

"I think I start to imagine things,there is no way a sword could speak"

"OI,KOSO(means kid)it's me ,it's the katana"

a little moment of pause

"Koso, you're to loud, shut it. I will explain if you let me"

"Ah, how can you speak? Do weapons have quirks? Or are you human who got hit by a quirk? ,..."I muttered



"So no I didn't get hit by a quirk and no I don't have a quirk. I am the only of my kind and the one who created me is no other than satan. I was originally his sword but because of a war that happened between the demons and the angels, I got transported to another world.I don't know why but it was because of me that quirks exsist in this world. I waited this moment since 200 years and no one beside you could understand me. And I can sense the same demoniac power inside of you as satan's. Are you the satan of this world or something?"

"Whaaat noo of course not, I want to help people not to kill them. I want to be a hero."

"Oi, it don't means that you will do bad things with it you will help a lot of peoples but you will also kill a lot."

"Oh, but why are you telling me this?"

"It's simple I want you to be my new partner"

"So you want me to fight by your side as a partner, but why me?"

"Tch, as I said you are the only one beside satan who can understand me and you have those sleeping power inside of you. I want to help to accomplish your dreams ,do you accept?"

"Ah,....I-I accept to be your partner but I am not strong so,...I-"

"Shut it, stop. you are not as weak as you think you are. In fact once you will be able to use that power no one could stop you."

"It really flatters me but quit that bullshit..... by the way my name is Midoriya Izuku it's nice to meet you aibou(means partner)"

"My name is Greed,the pleasure is mine, Koso"

Heya chapter 1 is done
i hope it wasn't too weird. Personally I think this story is a piece of shit.

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