Chapter 16

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"...."=All Might muscle form
"...."=All might true form
"....."=telepathy between Greed and Izuku



"Tch,I never thought that that weak deku would come so far."said Katsumi

"Hm,it's normal.Anyone would think that I'm weak if I hide my true strength."

"You may be strong,but you cannot defeat me."

"Hn,we will see."


Katsumi dashed toward Izuku.She used her explosions,but Izuku dodged.She jumped.Izu followed her with his eyes,but she suddenly disappeared. Izuku looked down only to see Katsumi's hand 3 cm from his head.'She's fast'.She let out an explosion on Izuku's face.'Did I got him?'.She jumped back and waited till the smoke cleared,but she didn't have to,because Izuku ran out of it with a little burn on his cheek.

'Tch,don't let him think'

She attacked him and Izuku jumped back.She then rolled while using her quirk to give a boost on her speed.It looked like an explosive rolling rock.She then prepared to attack.

'Shit.She can cover this distance by the time I land.This is bad.Knock her hand away.'Izuku wanted to give a kick but no one was in sight.He then looked back and saw Katsumi.
'A faint.I see she used her explosions to get behind me.'
Katsumi then again attacked and punched him in the stomach.He flew some distance but stopped the speed with his hand on the ground.
'Tch.That was close' thought he and looked at the line.

"What's going on.I thought you were tougher than that."

"Argh come on.I'm only warming up.It's now that it really starts."

Izuku ran toward her and Katsuki used her explosion to blind him.

"Stun grenade"yelled she and rushed toward him.Izuku dodged by doing a front flip.He then ran toward her and kicked her.Katsumi quickly protected herself with her arms.The time he prepared to land,she used her explosion to appear behind him.He quickly turned around to kick her again,but he was too slow.She let out an explosion and the two flew a few meters away.

'Tch,I guess I will go serious.'

Izuku closed his eyes and concentrated on his surroundings,blue flames started to appear a little everywhere,but there was one close one.

"There is no time to close you eyes."yelled she and wanted to grab Izu's arm.But he jumped and grabbed her arm instead.He then throw her out of the ring.But before she hit the ground she used her quirk and flew back to Izuku.

"Hm it seems like I sweated enough."she said and turned around herself while using her quirk.She then turned always faster and created a tornade of explosions.

"Howitzer Impact"

"Ya ready.40%"

"Are you kidding,I will only have 30% blood left...Well this is what any other person would say,but not me.Why are you even asking you already know my answer?"

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