Chapter 13

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"...."=All Might muscle form
"...."=All might true form
"....."=telepathy between Greed and Izuku

Third person's POV


"That unusual,Midoriya is mostly the one who takes the most attention."said Aizawa

"So it's finally over.The top 40 from this qualifying round will move on.But for those who placed lower,don't worry.We've got another way for you to show your stuff.And now the main selection really begins!!The press corps going to be jumping out of their seats,so give all you have got.Now on to the second event!!I already know what it is,of course...dying in the suspense next up is...PAINTBALL BATTLE."said Midnight.

"Huh,paintball??Why?How can we prove ourself with paintball?"said Kaminari

"I don't know?"said Mineta

"I think it is to see if we can fight without our quirks.There are for sure some villains who have the same quirk as Aizawa-sensei.Don't everything plays around quirks. "said Izuku

"Logic"said Tokoyami

"So let me explain the rules.Participant will form on their own 6 teams of 3 members and 1 team of 2 members.Each groupe has 3 guns and 2 support items.Each participant will have 3 targets.Place them wherever you want as long as they are exposed.The targets are rigged to light up for 10 seconds when its shot by a paintball.For each shot you will lose 100 points.When all 3 of the targets are hit within the 10 seconds from the same team you will gain all the points of the enemy team.
Each of you has been assigned a point value based on your ranking in the last event.Your individual point values start at five,at the bottom.So the student who took the 40th place is worth 5 points,the 39th 10 points, get it...but our first participant is worth TEN MILLION POINTS."said Midnight

Everyone started to look at Shoko making a damn pressure on her.

"Each participant will get a bracelet.The bracelet will show the amount of points you have.The match will last 1 hour and it's split in 2 parts,each 30 minutes.You have got 15 minutes to chose your teams and gun.Now START."said Midnight.

There were immediately a lot of persons who ran toward Izuku.

"Deku-kun team up with me."said Ochako

"Me too."said Mina

"Hey bro you won't let your buddy down,right.Team up with me."said Kiri

"I'm sorry guys but I already know with who I want to team up."said Izuku and walked to Shoko

"Yo Todoroki,wanna team up with me.?"said Izuku

"Ah Midoriya,are you sure.You will probably lose because of me.And there are a lot other who want to team up with you."

"Don't worry.I have a plan and it work the best with you."

"Uhm ok I will team up with you.Now we only need another person."

"No need.Midnight said there is one team with 2 members.Another member will only brother us."

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