Chapter 7

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Third person's POV

"All Might isn't here.I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here"said a blue haired villain.

"Villains no way.What villains'd be dumb enough to sneak into a school for heroes?"said Kirishima

"Sensei aren't there intruder sensors?"asked Momo

"Of course there are!"said Aizawa

"Are they only here or also at the main building?Either way,if the sensors aren't working it has to be one of their quirks that's doing it.This place is far from the campus and they have been picked the time when there'd be few people here,so maybe there are not as dumb as it seems.They must have an objective because this is well-coordinated sneak attack."Todoroki said

"Thirteen begin evacuation and try calling the school!One of these villains must be jamming the sensors.There's a good chance one of their electric-types is causing the interference.Kaminari try using quirk to signal for help."Aizawa said

"Got it"answered Kaminari

Aizawa then rushed toward the villains.
"Ranged squad.Let's move"said
villain 1.

"Our intel said it was just supposed to be thirteen and All Might,so who's this."said villain 2.

"Dunno but he's coming at us all alone."said villain 3.

"A dead fool then"said villain 1.

They all tried to use their quirk but it didn't work."Huh,I can't shoot."said villain 1.

Aizawa wrapped his weapon(some sort of rope) arround the villains and pulled them together.

"You dumbasses,he can cancel out your quirks just by looking at you.That's Eraser Head!!"said villain 4

"He cancels quirks?!Heh heh heh.Let's see if that trick works against Heteromorphic types!!"said villain 5

"No,it doesn't"said Aizawa as he punched the villain 5 in the face."Only against operative or transformative Types.However..."said he as he dodged a punch."Statistically,guys like you tend to shine in close quarters combat.Which is why I have got couter measures for you."finished Aizawa as he wrapped his weapon around villain 5 and slammed him on the ground.

"He's good at Hand-to-Hand and those goggles hide his eyes.So we don't know who's quirk he's canceling. Even a whole Mob of us isn't slowing him down...I see.I hate pro heroes.Ordinary villains don't stand a chance against them."said the villain with blue hair and a lot of hands who hang around his body.

"Wow,He can hold his own even when outnumbered."said Kaminari

"There is no time for observations!Hurry up and evacuate."said Iida

"I won't allow that"said some sort of purple mist.

'Dammit,in the blink of an eye he...!He may be the deadliest one here!'thought Aizawa

"Greetings,we are the league of villains.Forgive our audacity but today,we've come here to U.A high school this bastion of heroism to end the life of All Might,the symbol of peace .We were under the impression that All Might would be here today but it seems his schedule was revised.Well no matter my role remains unchanged."said the mist

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