chapter 2

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Izuku POV

"Oi,how long must I lie on the ground?"

"Ah sorry I didn't pay attention"l said as I lifted him up

"Buagh,you are heavy"

"Hooo,you look frail but you can still lift me,...not bad.I think we have less training to do"

"Huh you want to train me?"

"Of course,koso.I will help you to release that power inside of you.I don't look like it,but I am a great teacher,....I think"

*time skip*
*at home *
"Mom I'm home"I yelled

"Ok"she yelled back.I ran to my bedroom and threw myself on my bed."So when are we starting training?"

"We will start tomorrow morning at 6 a.m.Do you know any good place to train?" Greed asked

"Yeah,I know a very good place where no one will interrupt us"

"All right,bring me there tomorrow.Ok now we will do a contract so that you can use my full potential but I warn you if we are to far away from each other you will be in pain."

"I see,but how do I do the contract??"

"It's simple I only need you to give me some of your blood. For this let only a few blood-drops fall on me and repeat what I say."

I nodded and did what he wanted.A black and red circle appears on the ground and I saw a black tattoo that looks like a dragon growing and moving on my chest and back.Then the circle disappeared.".......What was that....?"I said in shock and confusion

« This?This happens when someone makes a contract with me.The prove is that dragon on your chest.That tattoo will disappear as soon as we break the contract."

"I see,but it looks cool"

"I know"said Greed proudly.
After this I was so tired that I didn't even realized that I fell asleep.
*next morning*

When I woke up it was 5 a.m.I stood up and started to get ready for the training with Greed,I put on a short and a top.Then I went to the kitchen to cook me breakfast.After breakfast I took Greed and went to an abandoned beach.It was once a beautiful beach but commoners illegally drop trash there.

"Ohh,this is a perfect place for training,good job.Now take you shirt off,I want to see how far you trained you body."

"Um,ok"said I and took my shirt off

".....Wow,you are way more muscular than I thought."

"Umm,Greed may I ask you a question?"

"Yes,what is it,koso?"

"How can you see?... I-I don't want to sound rude but you're a sword and you don't have eyes."

"Hn,it's easy I sense any natural ki around thats why I can see,hear,smell and touch."

"Greed what's ki exactly ?"

"Hm,I wanted to teach it to you when you where ready but it doesn't matter anymore.So every human being has an ki,but it's mostly weak and difficult to control.Only 0,000025% (basically 175.000) can fully control it.The more powerful it is the more difficult it is to control it.There are 3 sorts of ki:

1. kansoku( observation )
It allows to the user to sense anything and read the oponers movement.If you control it perfectly you could even read a few seconds in the future.

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