Chapter 4

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Izuku's POV
Today is the first day of school in U.A high school.I was ready to leave but mom interrupted me "Izuku wait you,look great "

" Thank's mom,but I must go now "

"Ok have great day"

*time skip*

'Ugh,everything is so big,...where is class 1-A.'I thought and running everywhere.

*after 15 min of searching*

'Ugh,finally I found the classroom.I wonder who's gonna be my new classmates,...talking about classmates I hope kacchan and that weird guy aren't in the same class as me'. As I pondered I didn't expect to hear shouting coming from the classroom 'Ugh,I guess that solves one mystery' I sweat dropped at the thought ,then I open the door and walked in.

"Get your feet off the table!Do you have no respect for the people who sat at this table before you and or the craftsmen who made them.This is also not a behavior a hero should have and less a beautiful girl."

"Huh,what school did you go,some extras like you don't have the right to order me around."

"I have a name and it is Iida Tenya.I am from Somei private school"Iida said

"Hmm,Somei,so I have still a reason to beat your ass." kacchan said

I wanted to walk to an empty seat but Iida noticed me and walked toward me.

"Hello,you must be Midoriya,right.I am sorry for what I said to you.I hate to admit it but you are better than me,you discovered the real meaning behind the practical part."said Iida while doing this weird hand-signs.

"I didn't discover a-"I was interrupted by feeling someone jumping on me and hugging me.

"You made it in,I'm so glad.You were so cool out there.Destroying that 0 pointer so easily!" Uraraka said and punched the air.

Katsumi's POV

'WHAT IS THAT DAMN DEKU DOING HERE IN MY SCHOOL AND MY CLASSROOM AND WEARING THE U.A SCHOOL UNIFORM ? He couldn't have been accepted,a loser like him can't even hurt a fly,...He must have slept with a pro-hero that why he has been accepted,yeah that's it' I wanted to go to him and yell at Deku,but I was interrupted by some,..being?

Third person's POV

"Hey,if you are here to make friends you can leave" a tired voice said.

At this point everyone in class turned their attention to the direction of the voice.Only to see a yellow sleeping bag moving like a worm.That being in question turned over and stood up to reveal a tired man with scruffy long black hair that reached his neck and look's like he has not had proper sleep for days.

"It took you 8 seconds to quiet down.We have to fix it.Now,My name is Aizawa Shota and I'm your homeroom teacher.Now put these on and meet me at the training field."Aizawa said and got back into his sleeping bag.

Everyone took a P.E uniform and walked to the changing rooms.

*training field*

"Looks like everyone is here,good. Now lets start with the quirk assessment test."

"Quirk assessment test?" some students asked confused

"Aizawa-sensei wouldn't we miss the orientation ceremony." Uraraka asked

"You student are here to be heroes.As a member of staff I am free to do whatever I want to achieve the best results in order to make the best new generation of heroes."Aizawa said

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