Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

*1 month later*
Tomorrow is the U.A entrance exam.I'm kinda exited and nervous at the same time.I walked down the beach to calm myself down.

"Wow,the beach is beautiful and it's all thanks to you.There are a lot of people now."

"Yeah,I'm kinda proud of myself."

"And how are you feeling?You will take the entrance exam tomorrow don't you?"

"I feel a little nervous.I don't now if a quirkless person like me would be accepted."I said as I looked the ground



"Come on,were going home,its already dark."


*next morning at U.A*

"Woow,its huge,its bigger than I thought"

"Hn,as expected of the best hero school in japan,come on we don't have the entire day"

"Yeah"I said as I saw a girl next to me tripping.Before she could hit the ground I caught her.

"Are you all right" I asked "Yeah,thank you".Then she started to float.

"I'm sorry for using my quirk without warning you,by the way I'm Uraraka Ochako"she said

"Oh,Izuku,Midoriya Izuku,nice to meet you."

"Yes,...ah we must enter don't we?"with this we both went to the written part hall.I was able to finish the test after 30 min.I quit the room and waited till the other finished.

After one hour everyone finished and we went to an enormous room where the pro-hero Present Mic waited.We all took a seat and Present Mic started to explain us the rules.


"UGH,I'm going to explain you the rules. As you can see on the booklet provided there are 4 robots which will be simulated as villains,each having various points.Like this one which is worth 1 point,this one is worth 2 points and this one 3 points.Next is the test sites which are different from the other therefore you will have to adapt to the terrain you are assigned to as you can see..."Present Mic was interrupted by one of the participant

"Excuse me,can I ask a question?"a blue haired guy said, making weird robot hand-signs.

"Go ahead"

"You mentioned three robots but it says here that there are four,if this is a miss print then U.A.'s reputation of being a prestigious school would be tarnished due to this mistake"

"Very good question,number 7765.There is a fourth one,but is worth 0 point.It is more of an obstacle,it's better if you avoid it."

"Thank you very much"

*time skip*

We all waited for the practice exam to start.Then I saw Uraraka and wanted to wish her good luck before being interrupted by that weird blue haired guy."Can't you see that she's trying to concentrate?"I wanted to reply but I heard a loud


Everyone started to run leaving me behind

'Great,it starts well' .And started to run on my way I saw three 2 pointers and destroyed them with ease,I didn't even need to use Greed.

"See,you can destroy this robots with ease even if they are made of a very resistent  material."

"Ugh,yeah I think I was a little to nervous"I said as I encounter six 1 pointer and two 3 pointer.The 3 pointer where a little bit more difficult to destroy,but still no problem for me.

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