Getting to know each-other

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<Toothless's POV>

I yawned as I sat up and my mind almost instantly went to Strike, I need to stop thinking about him, he wouldn't love me...would he?

I shook my head and walked downstairs "Hey Strike" he looked up at me "what do you want?" I hate it when he acts like this, "I just..wanted to talk with you" he looked...confused? for a second "well, what is there to talk about?" his aggressive tone does hurt me. But I have to try to get him to trust me "why are you like this?" I asked "what are you talking about?" he said again in that tone "well, why don't you trust, or like, anyone?" "it doesn't matter" "but-" before I could finish he yelled at me "I SAID IT DOESN'T MATTER" he growled.

I was scared, a just looked at him, lost for words.

<Strike's POV>

After i yelled at him, we just stood there, I felt...guilty?...but I shouldn't. I don't CARE about him, he thinks he knows me but he doesn't, he won't stop trying to 'get through to me' and its pissing me off! "S-sorry.." he whispered and...I looked at him, he looked... upset? why would he? I don't mean a thing to him. Do I?

"No..I'm sorry, just...don't ask about my past. At all" he looked up "Ok..I won't" he said, looking at me. But he was avoiding eye-contact, strange. 

We stood there for another minute "So...I'm the first other Night Fury you have met?" I asked " and my rider, Hiccup have been searching for night furies for years" "I guess that makes me a special snowflake?" I joked, which made him laugh. "Yeah, I guess so.." 

Another long pause and he asked me "Do you have a mate?"  I looked at him. Confused. Why would he ask that? "No, but I bet that's different for you. The alpha. I bet every female on this island wants you" "well, they do...but probably only because I'm the alpha, only a few seem to really love me. Only two I have my heart set on" "Really? well, who are the two?" "Well, the first one is Stormfly, the other...well it doesn't matter right now. Don't think he-" "she" he corrected himself "that she actually loves me. Though" 

Why did he have to correct himself? Was he like me? Would he judge me if I told him that I'm into males? "Well, you have all the time in the world to make one your mate. So I wouldn't worry too much".

<Toothless's POV>

I think I'm getting close to him, hes acting differently now, so I'm taking it as a good sign. But I did almost tell him about my love for him. Which could cause him to hate me. "Hey Toothless, is something on your mind?" Strike asked, bringing me back to reality from my thoughts "Yes..but I can't tell you..sorry" "Alright" he simply said.

I smiled at him, "So..Strike, do you love anyone?" I asked, hoping for him to say my name "No, I haven't really ever thought about it, I don't trust anyone" "what? you don't trust ANYONE?" "nope...I'm just used to being hated, so I gave up on making friends and never trusted anyone for years" I was shocked to hear this " can trust me" he stared at me for a second "Ok...I'll try to trust you" "Thanks..Strike" I think we could make this work.

"Why are you asking me all of these questions?" "I just want to get to know you more". For the next...two, three hours we talked. "I wonder what Hiccup is doing" I muttered to myself, he has been busy lately, another reason why I go on walks, I can't fly by myself. But I understand, he has a village to run so I don't get to fly with him too often now, perhaps I could get him to make a tail so I can fly by myself, hes done it once before on 'snoggletog', I still don't understand the name. And come to think of it, its just a month away too, along with mating season "Well, I'm sure hes busy, being a chief and everything" "true".

After a few moments he asked "So..what happened to your tail?" he asked I laughed before saying "It's one hell of a long story" "I've got time".

<Strike's POV>

Ok, I'm interested to hear his story. While he talked he spoke with a tone of nostalgia, and i don't blame him, his story is like no-other. I sounds like something a well-known storyteller would tell, but it all made sense. When he finished I was speechless for the first time in my life, I couldn't think of anything to say. So we just stood there in silence for a moment or two. "Well, that's my story, how about you tell me a little about yourself. Only fair since I just told you my life story" I was about to respond, when a strange feeling entered me. 

Trust? couldn't be. "Well, I know fair's fair, but I'm not....well I don't feel like telling it. Its nothing special...or important" I said, fighting back to urge to tell him. I can't trust or become attached to him, I can't take loosing anymore friends.

"Well...alright" he smiled at me with a grin without his teeth, making me smirk a little, hes kinda amusing really. It was hard not to laugh in his face, it felt like he wanted to make me laugh, though. 

<Author's Note>

Alright. Sorry if I keep repeating things throughout the chapters, I don't have the best memory (somehow I feel like I have said this already) which is also the reason it takes longer for my books/stories to get updated. Cuz' I forget about them, I try my best not to, though. Anyways, Dusk signing out. 

A fire in my heart (httyd oc x toothless//male x male)Where stories live. Discover now