Goin' For a ride

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Quick A/N;

In this chapter there will be swearing for the first time in this story at some parts. If you don't like swearing  skip the 'strike being a ****' section, thanks. And enjoy this chapter.

<Strike's POV>

Since I've opened up to toothless, life has gotten easier. BUT the little cute asshole thought I should get a rider, LAST time I listen to his 'advice' I swear..

Right now we are flying, I'm still getting used to having someone on my back again, at least toothless is with me. Hiccup too, I guess. "Next time you say that you think I should do something like get a rider I'll bloody kill you!" I growled at toothless, he just grinned and laughed at my expense. "Your lucky I love you" I chuckled, and yes, me and him are lovers now, a lot happened in the week since I told him my story "I know" he said while I was going faster "Don't make this a race or you'll lose" Hiccup and Markus-my new rider-  picked up n the challenge "How about a race?" Markus asked me and I smirked and nodded and Hiccup laughed "Lets see if he can beat us this time, bud" he said to toothless "Alright, first one to the old dragon island wins" we all knew where it was, we went there a few times for dragon training, so this will be interesting, we landed on a rock pillar, and Hiccup counted down.






"GO!" he shouted as we flew off faster than before "Lets dive to the water!" Markus shouted to me and I did so, getting faster and faster as I got lower, kid has brains I'll give him that, I looked at toothless, who was behind "What was that about me losing?" I taunted and he smirked and before I knew it he dived to right next to me, gaining speed by the second "Sorry, what was that? couldn't hear you over my winning" he taunted and I got faster and faster, until both of us were in the lead, I wasn't going to lose again and I fly up quickly without warning, as high as I could, we can see the island, grey and burnt, I then dived again, I was quicker than a lightning bolt and I landed on the island, then toothless landed "HAH, I won this time!" I laughed and toothless groaned "Don't brag".

After a minute we flew to a nearby island and our riders set up camp and me and toothless went over to a cave and lay down inside. 

<Toothless's POV>

I licked his cheek "What did I do to deserve you?" after I said this he licked my nose "Being adorable is what" he chucked.

I smiled and wrapped a wing around him, mating season and snoggletog starts next week. And I can't wait.

After a hour hiccup and Markus came looking for us, so we quickly got up and acted like we weren't a couple. We then went to the camp (which was near a cave where me and Strike would sleep) and lay by the campfire.

After our riders fell asleep we went back to cuddling. Life is great, I'm here with my boyfriend and I feel like everything is perfect. 

<Strike's POV>

I'm still getting used to having someone to count on, and now I have to get used to having a lover, "Hey toothless, do you think I'm..a good boyfriend?" I asked, scared of the answer "Of course you are! Your best thing that has happened to me" he said, looking me in the eyes and licking my cheek. 

After a while I turned to see he was asleep. So naturally being the asshole I am I decided to scare him awake. I got up carefully as to not wake him, then roared in his face and he jumped up and shot a plasma blast at me, his scream was worth it though "AAHH!!!" he screamed as he shot the blast "ARG!" i grunted as it hit me in the face. I deserved it. "W-what the hell!?" he growled as I laughed my ass off "that. was. perfect!" I said between laughs. "What's wrong? my cute 'lil alpha scared?" I teased "Sh-shut up" he whined, hes so cute "I was only kiddin', cutie" I said as I licked his cheek "don't do that again....asshole" he said, I was still laughing. Best. Night. EVER. 

We turned to see hiccup and markus, both tired as hell "What..happened?" hiccup asked, I guess I woke them up too, "h-he scared me" toothless whined, still stuttering, I hope I didn't scar him.

Toothless, a few days ago explained that hiccup can understand night furies, when he wants to anyway, thanks to toothless "Really strike?" "It was fucking amazing, shut up" I responded. Which earned a groan from toothless "Just don't do it again, alright?" he sighed and I nodded, afterwards he and markus walked back to their tents they set up.

"That was fun" I smirked "Was not" "was" "wasn't" "wasn't" I  said, confusing him "was....wait" I burst out laughing, another trick. "Stop it you fucking prick!" he growled. "Alright, alright calm down" I said as he walked over "Your just so damn lucky I love you" he said and he rested his head against my neck. "I know" I chuckled.

After a moment he said "Strike, I'm worried. About the bewilderbeast" I looked at him, he was scared "Why?" "It found us, and we were virtually in the middle of nowhere. And its stronger than the last time, it took control of you and almost killed both of us" he was shaking, his voice started to break "W-what if, he took control of you again and I couldn't get you b-back..I don't want to lose you" "You won't...."

"I promise" 

A fire in my heart (httyd oc x toothless//male x male)Where stories live. Discover now