Relaxing for once...And Snoggletog Preparations

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<Toothless's POV>

I sighed. "He just wont give up will he?" I groaned. "Nope, he won't, he has a grudge against me, and you from what I've heard" Strike responded. 

"And seen" he added.

"He won't hurt you, though. I won't let him" he said, smiling at me. I nuzzled his neck. "My hero" I said, he smirked.

Strike started to walk off after a while "Hey, hun. Where are you going?"  I asked "Inside, I'm tired. Wanna come with me?" he responded. "Yeah" I smiled, following him inside and upstairs.

<Strike's POV>

I lay down on our bed-slab and he curled up next to me. So cute.

I yawned and he rested his head on my shoulder. "I love you" he whispered "I love you too" I whispered back.

After a few hours Hiccup walked in "Hey, you two alright?" he asked, nice of him to check on us. I guess, I still don't trust him. I have had a lot of people say they won't hurt me, but you know that already. "Yeah, we're fine" Toothless responded.

Hiccup left after a few minutes.

"Isn't this nice?" I asked Toothless, looking at him. " finally lay down and relax, feels strange" he responded. Chuckling a little.

"Though...we really should be trying to find the Bewilderbeast" he said. "Yeah, I know...but we need a lead, otherwise we will never find him" I sighed.

He nodded, "True.."

I licked his cheek, he giggled in response.

I yawned loudly. "You that tired?" Toothless asked. I nodded "Yeah, and I still ache from being hit by lightning" I responded.

"You should get some rest" he said. "No, I wanna stay up with you, and it's not too late" I whined like a child.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, you need some sleep, a lot..Really" he said. "And I told you I'm not going to sleep"

It felt like a parent trying to get their child to sleep, I swear.

He gave me the puppy eyes...I've already lost.

"Fine...just 'cause your so damn cute" I sighed, kissing his nose and yawning.

<Toothless's POV>

Once Strike fell asleep I walked outside to see everyone was preparing for Snoggletog...I STILL don't get the name, I mean. Something like 'christmas' would be easier to say, oh well, can't be helped.

I walked over to the Forge where Hiccup and Gobber were working on decorations. 

"Hiccup, I need a favour" I said, he turned around. "Sure thing, bud, anything" he smiled. "Thanks, well, I want to give Strike something, for Snoggletog, and since I can't make anything I hoped you will" I explained.

"Well, I'm sure it wont be too much, what do you want to give him?" Hiccup asked. "I...don't know, I need help with that, too"

"How about something simple, like a necklace?" Stormfly. Who was walking over, suggested. "I..guess that can work" I responded.

"Well, it's always the small things that can mean the world to someone" Hiccup said, petting me a bit on the head. "Thanks, Hic" I smiled. 

After a minute of talking I walked away to a view of the sea from a small cliff-face.

I lay down and enjoyed the view.

I moved my tail close to my face to look at my tail-fin. And my prosthetic one.

I wish I kept the one from my first Snoggletog..Then I could go flying with Strike...

I sighed.

 What a idiot I was, I should have kept it, though..I guess at the time it was the only way I could say 'I want to stay with you, fly with you, I'm not leaving you' to Hiccup, before he learned to understand dragon.

"Would...It have changed anything if I kept it?" I muttered to myself.

"If you kept what?" I heard Cloudjumper ask behind me as he sat down next to me. "Oh, hey Cloud" I said, smiling at him.

"I heard you and Strike's speech to the others, back on the cliff. I'm glad everyone took it well, now anyway"

We sat in silence for a minute. "I'm...Proud of you, I guess is what I'm saying, the Alpha...And an Delta"

What he said in the last word made my ears perk up. "You know about Deltas?" I asked. "Of course I do, I lived with a Alpha just as old as the Red Death, before you put that monster in the ground"

"What...Do you know about them?" I asked. 

"Well, it is said that they are stronger than a Alpha, in terms of combat, though they can't become a leader, not long-term anyway. And they are able to take blow after blow without dying, or one large blow, they would survive through almost anything

"The cliff..." I muttered under my breath, remembering that in guilt, Strike tried to..well, end himself by a cliff, that must be how he survived.

"And, also, they are loyal and protective, I remember a legend, back when a Dragon Empire existed, the Deltas were Guards of the Alphas, back before the Red Death took over. And wiped all of them out...Except Strike's parents, they..Died before he could remember, and I took him to a friend of mine, who then looked after him, I heard she died and he went missing, going under a new name" Cloudjumper said.

" name?" I asked. "Yes, I know his original, though. It's clear he didn't want it"

 We were silent for another minute. "Well, we should get back to helping them set up the decorations up" he said as he flew back to the village, I walked back.

<Strike's POV> <The next day>

I yawned as I sat up, I actually feel a lot better, mentally and physically, I guess since the most sleep I've had was around 6 hours, I feel great!

I looked around the room and saw Hiccup hiding something under a helmet on a shelf. "Hey" I said, he turned around. "Sleep well? For...12 hours?" he asked.

I nodded, "Where's Toothless?" I asked, "He's helping out with the decorations for Snoggletog"

"Snoggle...what?" I asked. "Snoggletog..It's a holiday we have here, it's about sharing, being festive, and appreciating what we have" he explained. "Okay, well, cya I guess" I said, walking downstairs and out of Hiccup's home.

I was surprised by all the decorations, and a large tree. Made of shields?

"Jeez, all out much?" I muttered.

"Hey Strike!" I heard Toothless call from the 'Great Hall'

I walked over to him. "Hey, Toothie" I said, walking over and whipping his ass with my tail. He made a 'eep!' sound.

He shot a bit of a glare at me, but had a blush on his face. "D-Don't do that!" he whined. "Aww, 'cmon, you liked it~" I teased.

He slapped my ass with his tail, a thick blush on my face afterwards. "Heh, now your the cutie~" he teased, "S-Shut up.." I muttered.

 "So, tomorrow is Snoggletog, you excited?" he asked, "Well, kinda, yeah" I responded. He smiled. "You know how cute you two are, right?" Meatlug said, smirking a bit. "Well I-...yeah, I do" I said as Toothless nuzzled my neck.

She giggled and flew off. "Well, anyways we are almost done, just gotta put this by the docks" he said, pointing to a mini-shield-tree, which Hookfang was picking up.

"Ok, well," I started, I should get Toothless something.

I licked his cheek. "Hehe..Anyways, I'm going to help Hookfang set the tree up, see you later, handsome~" he said, smiling as he walked away.

I smiled and after he walked out of view I sat down next to the big-ass door to the Great Hall.

A fire in my heart (httyd oc x toothless//male x male)Where stories live. Discover now