The Bewilderbeast Round Two

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<Strike's POV>

"Hey, Strike. Wake up"

Yawning I sat up and opened my eyes. I was still in the cove. But Toothless wasn't there, instead Hiccup was. 

I looked at him. "Where's Toothless?" I asked, tired and still waking up. 

Once my vision cleared, I saw that Hiccup was worried. "Where is he?" I asked, standing up. "He's missing, no-one has seen him" Hiccup responded, worried.

"What!?" I looked at him. "And no-one thought to wake me up until...Whatever time it is?" I asked. "We didn't know where you two went last night" he responded. Wait now I remember, we came here when I started to..

"I'm gonna go look for him, then" I said, getting ready to fly. "Wait, I'll come with you" Hiccup said, walking around to my side. I growled. "Don't you dare"

"He can't fly without me, trust me" Hiccup told me, I sighed and let him on. His weight took a moment to get used to.

I quickly took off and flew into the sky, within a few seconds we were high above the forest. "Why would he run off like this..He wouldn't...What happened last night when you two left?" Hiccup asked.

He thinks I scared him off..

"You better not be saying this is my fault" I growled. "What? I'm not just wondering if he told you anything" "No..No he didn't" I told him.

Suddenly, a thought came to me. What if it's the Bewilderbeast?

I started to panic and flew to where we encountered it. "Woah! Where are we-" he started, but I cut him off. "To the cliff, where the Bewilderbeast tried to kill us. He MUST be behind this, it's the only logical reason why he'd leave like that" I responded, diving to the cliff, and I saw both the Bewilderbeast, and Toothless.

I landed near the cliff, Hiccup got off my back. I then sprinted to the cliff and saw Toothless laying on the ground, the Bewilderbeast's gaze turned to me. "What did you do to him?!" I shouted, activating my Delta form.

He didn't respond and I went to fire at him. But I was shot at by Toothless!

I fell over from the sudden impact. I looked at Toothless who was under the Bewilderbeast's control. I felt my heart sink, the realisation of the fact I might not be able to free him kicked in.

Standing up, I broke into a sprint towards Toothless, who was firing blast after blast at me. Until he ran out of shots.

I jumped on top of him, pinning him to the cliff. "GET OFF ME!" He roared, I know it isn't him, I can tell.

"Heh, thank you, 'Strike', now I can kill you both" the Bewilderbeast suddenly said, and my eyes widened. He WANTED me to get close to him.

I looked over at the massive dragon, who was seconds from killing us. And time felt like it froze. I felt my heart stop.

"NO!" I could hear Hiccup shout.

So this is how I die? Not by impossible odds, but by the thing I tried so hard to stop.

My emotions, I got attached and it kills me in the end.

I turned back to Toothless, who was still under it's control. I went into a kiss, if I die, I'll go out like this.

I felt him kiss back after a second, he broke free from it's control, at the last moment.

I broke away from the kiss and just as the Bewilderbeast blasted us, I threw Toothless away with all of my remaining strength. Out of the way of the blast of ice.

<Hiccup's POV>

I ran over to Toothless. "No..No...Strike!" he shouted, as the ice hit Strike, encasing him. And no doubt killing him.

<Toothless's POV>

I scratched desperately at the ice, hoping somehow he's alive.

But no matter how much I clawed at the ice, it didn't break. "No..This..." I paused, tears forming in my eyes.

"I did this.."

I sat down on the grass, I couldn't feel anything for a moment, before that feeling of nothing was replaced by sorrow. The Bewilderbeast looked at me. "No matter what I try, you still survive? Well, either way. This time I'VE won" he said.

"No..No...NO!" I shouted, almost screaming. I tried to fire a plasma blast at the ice, but I couldn't. My shot limit was used up.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, it started to rain? Very funny universe!

Out of nowhere lightning bolts started to strike the ground near us. Close to the ice. Is that...

More bolts struck, closer and closer to the ice. Until one struck the ice. Causing it to crack. "What the..?" The Bewilderbeast said, before more bolts struck the ice, until it shattered. Scattering into a million shards.

And there in it's place, stood Strike, who was panting for air, taking massive breaths. "HOW?!" the Bewilderbeast boomed.

"You think...That you...Can...Fuck with my mate...And get away with it?" Strike said, turning to the Bewilderbeast. Panting between words. "But how?!" Hiccup asked. 

"I have my ways" Strike responded, glancing back at us, before back to the Bewilderbeast. "Your gonna have to try a little harder than that!" 

<Strike's POV>

I re-activated my Delta form, but this time I felt stronger. More powerful.

I looked at my body, lightning was arcing all over me.

I looked back to the fucker that will die soon.

I charged a powerful plasma blast in my mouth and several lightning bolts struck me, making it more powerful. Very quickly it got stronger. And stronger.

The Bewilderbeast looked scared, he finally knows the fear of death.

I fired the blast at him, and again and again.

Soon, he fell back and I fired my last remaining shot and I think I killed him. He better be dead, anyway. And if he's just stunned or knocked out. He better not return.

Turning away I looked at Toothless, I walked over to him and wiped the tears off his face. "It's okay, hun. I'm ok" I said, smiling. "B-But..It's my fault..I went out l-looking for him and.." I cut him off. "It's fine, your safe, and that's all I care about"

I hugged him tightly.

Hiccup walked over and hugged us, Strike didn't seem to care. "'Cmon you guys, let's go home" Hiccup said. "Yeah..Let's go"

A fire in my heart (httyd oc x toothless//male x male)Where stories live. Discover now