Chapter 4

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These are Airborne and Watercress' suits

Bucky's p.o.v

It was what looked like fairies to me. But soon i saw Thor and Loki getting on one knee bowing to them and the girls bowing their heads and Hope having no clue this is going on (well she wasn't the only one).

Watercress: please Elements we need your help Hope is fighting Nightwolf and she needs not only us but her full powers

Earth: i can not give her, her full powers until she is willing to let you all fight

Firefox: but you know why she isn't letting us fight is because she knows we don't have 9/ immortal life like her until we get our full element powers

Fire: she makes a point Earth

Water: oh shut it Fire we know what Shadow's intentions are but in order for this to be a team she has to let them fight

Air: Water you just want Watercress to prove herself first before you give her, her full powers

Girls: what

Airborne: Water when you all first picked us you never told us that no you said that in order to get our full powers we had to train and practice and eARN IT AND THAT'S WHAT WE DID IN CAN'T BELIEVE THIS

Soon we heard a blast and Nightwolf (i'm pretty sure it was him) was on the ground with a glowing Shadowcat.

Shadowcat: you lied to my friends you lied to mY FAMILY YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS


Bucky: DON'T DO IT


Next thing i knew there was a blast of light and Shadow is on the ground.


Firefox: *crying* Earth get us out of here

She let us out of the bubble and soon Firefox was holding Shadow and crying balling tears Tony runs and grabs her trying to get her away so Banner could get a good look at her and so the elements could maybe heal her.


Tony: come on Fire come on let them look her over

Firefox: *crying* *turns into Tony's chest*

Tony: *picks her up and walks back to the group*

Watercress: no she-she can't be gone *hugs Steve*

Steve: *holds her*

Airborne: she-she helped me with all my problems and i barely helped her with hers

Pietro: *holds her from behind* she didn't deserve it

Bucky: wow

Earth: we can heal her but it will take one of her lives but this shows you all deserve your full powers but first let's heal up the new Earth element

She walked over to Shadow's body and soon Shadow was surrounded by green light and when she opened her eyes they were a frosty turquoise color then she closed them again. They opened and now they were a fiery purple and soon she closed them for the last time she opened them and her left eye was purple and her right eye was the frosty color she looked beautiful.

Firefox: wooooooowwwwww AGH

Tony: WOW

Firefox was ignited with flames and soon her eyes were a fiery red and she grew fiery read and orange wings.

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