Chapter 5

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Firefox and Shadowcat day looks

Bucky's p.o.v.

Bucky: then how do we calm her down

Fury: that's the hard part you can't

Bucky: whAt dO yoU mEan wE Can't

Fury: she is a heavy sleeper as it is but when she has a nightmare you can't wake her nothing only her mate can

Banner: what's a mate

Loki: a mate is when a werewolf or a vampire or a-

Thor: Jotun

Loki: *groans* yes even a Jotun can have a mate but it's pretty much your soulmate the person chosen specifically for you and visa versa

Bucky: wow so she has someone made for her i wonder who it is

Shadow: *cry*

Bucky: i have to do something it hurts because this happens to me

I walked over to Shadow and bent down to hold her hand when i grabbed her hand light surrounded me and soon Shadow was awake and here eyes were glowing their 2 separate colors and i don't even know what i look like but soon i turn to see not Shadow but a salt and pepper furred wolf with glowing frosty blue eyes (you know what i mean right? right -Hope) and soon we were on the floor her still as a wolf and i don't even know about me.

Loki: Bow


Loki: why why why me

Tony: why

Loki: she is a Luna or a Queen to Wolves and since she has found her mate aka Barnes he is an Alpha or a King but i didn't know she has a pack

Watercress: we are her pack but if you guys are down to join our pack then ya if other werewolves from any realm or anything ask to see your Alpha or Luna just got to these 2

Steve: hey Buck want a mirror to see yourself

Bucky: *puppy eyes* please

I looked in the mirror to see a black wolf with deep blue eyes, MY eyes and to see some kind of collar or necklace around my neck in the shape of a sun with a little yellow crystal in the middle and when in turned to see an awake Shadow i notice her necklace/collar is in the shape of a moon with a little sapphires in it with floral designs around each one in moon. Well dang it's nicer than my sun.

Shadow: Bucky thank you

Bucky: your welcome i guess

Shadow: no you helped me and thank you for it but i didn't know you were a werewolf

Bucky: neither did i until now

Shadow: huh well you being a human than turned into a werewolf means you found your mate who is it

Bucky: uhhhhhhhhh you

Shadow: me really wow i'm honored you seem like a nice person and i'm we'll me

Banner: Hope do you remember me

Shadow: whose Hope, ooooooOOOoOOOOOOO CAN I MEET HER *wolf smile*

Steve: that's almost exactly what Bucky said when-

Bucky: when you first found me

Tony: what do you mean almost

Steve: he said a foul word when he said not politely like what she said

Bucky: oh god make way language police here

Tony: *stifles laugh but fails*

Firefox: *smacks his chest*

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